🐦Sunrise Coffee Chat🐦

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Josie's Point Of View

Last week we built a house for the boys to get a little more privacy. This past week has been beyond amazing. I never thought I would have this again. She is so good for me so kind so caring so light, I can see the change in her, she's so positive. Last night we fell asleep next to the fireplace. We have pushed off the wedding until we can find Hopes dad and Lizzie. After that the planning will begin. But I honestly cannot wait until it's just us here in the forest. I just want her to myself, I haven't seen her in about ten years and we have so much to catch up on. But there is so much going on beyond us. The Necromancer, Hopes father, Lizzie. I just want to be by her side for days without distraction or interruption.

Hope is still asleep, so I'm making her breakfast in bed. Well the goal is to make it before she wakes up but we're pretty much in the same room so it's going to be hard to stay quiet enough not to wake her up. But before I know it her hands are pressed on my thighs, she's moving them back and forth and I start to dance with her, she spins me and takes my hand. I start up the record player with magic. We're slow dancing like we did at homecoming. She soon swoops be up, holding me bridal style and we share a passionate kiss.

"Good morning my beautiful fiance."

"Good morning my beautiful bride to be." I say and she puts me down.

"Now go sit your cute butt down, I'm treating you to breakfast?" I say.

"Yes maim!" She says as she walks towards the fire place. She puts a couple logs in and a flame goes roaring. She vamps upstairs, I love it when she does that, and she soon comes down with her bong.

"I'm going to be right back I have to grab a jar from the greenhouse and I'm going to bring one to the boys and say good morning really quick." She comes over to me and gives me a kiss. Then she takes off her socks and walks outside. Its so cute how I'm touch with nature she has become, my little forest dweller.

I cut up some green peppers and chop up some garlic and kale, then I cube up a couple red potatoes. I pop the potatoes in the oven and before the timer beeps Hope comes running back in. She packs up her bong and take a a huge rip.

"Babe have you become a hippie in the last years?" I ask.

"Slightly I guess." She says and laughs a little.

"I'm having a lot of fun getting to know you again Hope."

"Awe you're so sweet Jo."

I get back to my cooking after the potatoes are just about done I add to a frying pan with plant based butter and all of the veggies and spices. Then I began to make my Apple oatmeal. When it's almost ready I prepare the table, with two plates two bowls two spoons and forks. Then I wash out the blender and prepare my new favorite smoothie. I then put the potatoes and oatmeal in serving dishes and place them on the table. I then pour the smoothies into a couple mason jars.

"Come here baby." I say and she gets up off the sofa and makes her way over to me.

"This looks so good Jo." We then sit down.

"Hope, I want to call my dad. But I have shut him out for a while, I'm really nervous to call him."

"What ever happened Jo, he is your father and just calling him is going to mean a lot to him. If course he will forgive you. You're his daughter. And he will definitely be on plan get Lizzie back."

"I don't want Liz to hurt him either." She grabs my hand.

"And we can come up with a plan to make sure that doesn't happen. You have nothing to worry about Jo, he will support you."

"I guess you're right babe."

"I have to go on a run with Rafael to get blood after breakfast, but if you want me to stay while you call him I will love." She says.

"I think I have to do this one on my own. But I may need you after the call."

"Don't worry I'll be back for lunch" She says.

After breakfast she gives a kiss goodbye and a long warm comforting hug. She the walks to the back and drops all of her clothes. Then the change begins. I stand and watch. Then change almost seems effortless, it was majestic. When shes fully changed she looks back at me and our eyes lock for a moment, then she runs, all i can think is she is so breathtaking.

I can feel the anxieties fill up my body. I grab my phone and open my contacts. I click dad and the phone starts to ring.




"Hi dad."

"Josie? Is that you?"


"How are you? Are you okay?"

"Heh yeah dad I am now. It's a long story."

"Well where are you right now Josie? Are you safe?"

"I am with Hope, with her will always be safe.We have a home in the middle of the woods.I'm happy her. I want to catch up in person. I could send you a trail to get here."

"Hope? You guys are together again?"

"Yes we are in love, she has out her for years. She makes me really happy. Wait please let's wait to catch up in person."

"Well our course i will come Jo. Just rest of today and i will head out in the morning."

"Okay dad, just give me a call I will send the trail only you can see."

"Okay honey, I love you."

"I love you too dad."

"It's good tho have you back Josie."

"Thank you dad, so I will see you soon."

"Yes sweetie."

"Oh dad, make sure you prepare for a long walk were like a good 24 miles from the house from road."

"That's a long walk Jo. I'm getting old."

"That's okay, once you are far enough in the woods where no one can see you I will teleport you to to the house. Just bring hiking boots or sneakers, and water."

"Okay sounds like a plan I will see you tomorrow I am so excited!"

"Me too dad."

"Bye Jo."

"Bye dad."

Forest Dweller ✴A Hosie Story (a series)Where stories live. Discover now