⏳Hope Please Wake up⏳

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It's been three days since I healed her skin, she still lies there lifeless, I still haven't left her side really at all. I just want her to wake up.

"Hey Jo, how are you? Rafael asks. I turn around from my seat.

"Hey Raf, I'm okay I just I really want her to wake up."

"You sound like you haven't slept."

"I haven't in a while."

"Well I can sit down here with her for a while, you can go sleep and I'll wake you if she wakes up. "

"I want to be here when she does"

"Okay well I'll grab you some blankets and drag the loveseat in here for you."

"You don't have to do that, really. "

"I know but it's the least I can do." He then walks back and forth in the room bringing blankets and pillows he then brings me a cup of steaming tea.

"Drink this it'll help you sleep and if she wakes up while you're sleeping she'll be right next to you."


"Now can you get up for a moment?" I do and he moves the chair I was sitting on. My legs are asleep. He then walks out of the room and grabs the loveseat in the other room and drags it in here. I take a couple sips off my tea. He then places a pillow on the loveseat.

"Here sit down." I do and he drapes a blanket over me. I cuddle with the blanket and he walks back upstairs. The boys have been so kind and helpful during this whole process. If I was here alone id probably be starving, smelly and most likely a complete mess. I watch her for like a half an hour while holding her cold hand. Finally my eyes fall heavy. And I'm out

The sun peaks through the one window in this room and I wake up. It's morning, I slept for 16 hours! She's still lying in the same spot, she hasn't woke up yet. I yawn and stretch my arms up then I untangle the blankets and slowly get up from the love seat. I stretch again and then walk over to the alter and light a dragonsblood incense. I admire the smoke when it flows through the sunrays coming through the window.

"Hope please wake up today." I say and reach for her hand, still cold. I slip on the pair of slippers and wrap the huge robe around myself and I make my way upstairs. Usually the boys are up by now, but they're fast asleep in the living room. Landon is cuddling with a bag of grahamcrackers and the bong is next to him on the table. There is a empty bottle of whiskey next to Raf. It was half full when I saw it yesterday on the counter. I have a feeling Raf is going through something so I'm going to try to get him to open up. When they wake up I want to ask them if they want to stay in the woods with us to help find Lizzie.

I fill up the kettle with water and place it on a burner and I turn the heat up to high. I grab the dirty French press on the table and another off of the shelf. I take apart the dirty one and first put all the grounds in a bowl to bring outside to the compost later. Then I grab the pieces and start by rinsing them off separately. Then I wash it with soap. After I rinse everything off completely I put it back together. Each French press carries 8 cups of water, so I put four scoops of coffee in each. Soon the kettle screams. And when that happens Landon picks up his head and looks at me, he then notices he has graham crackers and he grabs one and eats it. when he finishes chewing he lays his head back down and falls back to sleep. I grab the kettle and pour the water in the French presses. Then I stir around the grinds and coffee and let that sit for about eight minutes. After that I carefully put the top on and press down.

"Boy's wake up! Coffee!" They both pick there heads up and slowly walk over to me.

"Good morning Jo, it's nice to see you smile" Landon says.

"Well now it's only waiting time, she will wake up soon I'm sure about it, so today I'm going to try to actually be active and not be down there all day. I slept 16 whole hours thanks to your tea Raf!"

" You're welcome. "

"So grab a cup! Any ideas for breakfast I'll cook it!" I grab my cup of coffee and make my way to the fireplace. I sit down on the fluffy blanket in front of it and put a couple logs in it, then I set fire to the logs using my magic.

"I don't know about you guys but I really want eggs" Raf says.

"I can do that!" I say. And he smiles.

"I want to try and get Hope to have some hens so we can eat eggs, but she might be really set on this whole plant based thing."

"I'll get started on it when I finish my cup, so you guys want omelets?"

"Sure." They both say at the same time. I laugh and take a another sip off my way too sugary coffee. I get up from the floor and place my coffee on the stone about a foot away from the fire. I pick up some clutter around the house. I first grab a frying pan and mix the eggs I magically made, and everything else. While I'm waiting for the first omelet to cook I throw some stuff into a blender and make a really yummy green smoothie.

"Landon yours is ready" and a few minutes Rafaels is done too, and then mine. Once I get to the table Landon only has a couple bites left but he stays sitting with us.

"So guys do you like it here?" I ask.

"Yeah it's really nice here!"

"We could use your help getting Lizzie and her father back."

" We can stay for a little. " Landon says.

"Okay when Hope wakes up we can talk about getting a couple extra rooms in here for you two."

"Cool!" Rafael says.

After breakfast I make my way down to the basement, still no movement from Hope.

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