🌹Josie's Journal Entry🌹

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You send me into a ecstasy like feeling. Like there's a river trickling through my spine. You make my hairs spike and my heart race.

Goodnight Hope my lovely girl. Sweet dreams.

The feeling still sends a shiver. Tonight was beyond amazing, no today was beyond amazing. She is beyond amazing. Today was so amazing. I spent most of the day naked and it felt really freeing. It also helped me feel more comfortable about my body around Hope. I did yoga for the first time in years and it felt amazing it helped my mind calm and I feel comfortable energy wise. The practices she showed me was amazing and very spiritual. This is an entirely different Hope, and I love everything I'm learning about her. She introduced me to this breathing technique she called it shared breath. For five minutes we were almost lip to lip but we shared breaths for a couple minutes and it felt so amazing and connecting, then we did this stare into each other's souls practice. Where we stared into each others eyes for ten minutes we did this for more than that. As the time goes along I start to feel more comfortable here, more trusting more connected. I know this is where I need to be. I feel safe here. And I can truely be happy here in the middle of the woods with her. She is amazing and I'm so excited to create stuff out here and probably end up living in a fairytale. Today we found where we want to get married the place is so beautiful beyond what you can see on land. I know this place will become important to me too and it would be a very beautiful place to get married to my best friend. I'm so excited about this wedding. I just want Lizzie to be here so she can help me plan. And while Hope and I go find her dad Lizzie can work on wedding plans. I miss her a lot and I know the last time I saw her was ugly so well have to talk stuff out. But I'm just hoping getting her back will be as easy as it was to flick my switch.

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