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My toes crunch the pebble covered walkway. The feeling calming. A breath of delicate air. The sun peaks through the dancing leaves. A smile forms on my face. Surrounded by beauty. I open the gate, greeting the garden. The smell of sweet flowers and herbs. I grab one of the handmade baskets to my left on the shelf. I walk to my herbs and pick sweet basil, after placing it in my basket. Then I pick some edible flowers. I walk over to my vegetables, I have an abundance of snap peas this year. I place about a handful in my basket, I pull four purple carrots out of the ground. I inhale another breath of this sweet smell.

The birds sing songs on the walk back home. The door creeks as it opens. I place the basket on the kitchen island and grab my vegetable pasta maker, tofu I made from the fridge, and my basket of dried herbs. The bottles clank on the walk back to the island. I prepare the pasta and chop the tofu.

As I get my table ready for my meal I wonder what it'd be like right now if I didn't run from Dr.sultzman and the school. Would I be having dinner with Josie, happy? I can't regret leaving, it was what I had to do to protect anyone else from getting hurt. So I ran, fast, with blood on my hands, without looking back. I now live mostly plant-based except for the occasional animal blood, I can turn without the moon, perks of being a tribrid, I guess. So that's how I hunt.

It's been nine years since I've been here. I've built my own house. With magic of course. My garden grows year round thankful to my powers. I haven't seen a person in nine years four months and eight days, not that I am counting or anything. And this means I haven't hurt anyone since I've been here. That's exactly why I'm here, no one's safe around me.

I left because of my love for her. And even though I felt that I couldn't be without her for a second, I had to stop being selfish. I still have the sweater she left in my dorm room the night before I left, she changed into one of my outfits for class. And when I packed my bag something took over me and I took it with me. I'm thankful today, the smell always makes me tear up a little. I wonder if she's given up on trying to track me. Or if she's moved on.

I open a couple windows to let a breeze in and walk into my bedroom and grab my crystal, Josie is in my mind. I hold a tighter grasp and close my eyes.

"I haven't stopped looking." The voice I needed to hear.

"You don't have to be alone Hope, you can't hurt me. I am powerful too, and I can protect myself." She paused for a moment as she walks towards me. I blush as our eyes connect.

"We can work together on a protection spell, a shield anything. Our love is worth a shot and you cannot deny that. I will live like this too if that's what it takes. But I need you and I've needed you. If you put your shield down you can send me a sign I'll know it's you and I will not stop until I'm here, actually with you."

"I miss this Josie, you're so strong and you're such a fighter. But I can't risk hurting you again. You've lost so many people. That day, when everyone found out who I was, where I actually came from, my worst fear came alive. People don't see my family like I do. And they never will. I don't want to be that close to darkness again."

" And I could help that never become reality. I know who you are dark times aside, this isn't who you are, and you've seemed to fight that just well. I would only motivate the good in you, you can't deny that either. "

"I know you're right of course you are. You're a manifestation from my mind. But can I fight these haunting memories? I haven't forgiven myself for what I've done"

Tears begin to fall. I sob wishing she could hold me. I place the crystal on the shelf and she vanishes. The tears keep falling. The night falls into day.

Sorry for the short first chapter they will get longer I promise.

Forest Dweller ✴A Hosie Story (a series)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz