🐾Wolvesvain Bullet🐾

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It's been a week since I used the crystal. Thoughts keep racing of what could go wrong. What if Josie moved on? Some part of me wants to know, the other half is scared. To see a vision of Josie I have to put my walls down. Which could potentially put me in danger. I could astral project to her but she could see me. If she's moved on do I still want to send a message? What if she doesn't want to find me? What if she hates me?

Days pass and I still dwell on the thought. I run into the woods and crash, I break. A powerful scream fills the forest. The soil jumps and roots move, trees come flying down. Branches raining. The birds fly away and close by animals lie lifeless. I crash to my horrors. Even in my own confinement I still cause harm. I stock up from the blood of the local lifeless deer and bunnies and give my thanks for their lives, this supplies me for months. What did I do?

I turn into wolf form, it's almost painless now from how much I've turned in the last nine years, I run until morning. I wake by a stream there's a dark grey wolf next to me. He doesn't seem to want to harm me. I have never run into a wolf on my runs. How far did I go? He's oddly familiar. If I turn I'm naked in front of someone I don't know, this isn't a regular wolf. I run to a tree and turn back and peak around the trunk. The wolf does the same faster than I did. All I can think is it was not a full moon last night how did her turn?

"Hope?!" He says with excitement.
Oh no.

"Hope, it's Raf!"

I turn back into wolf form and run as fast as I can home and when I change I put up my walls. I'm just hoping he wasn't inside before I did it. I'm inside now gathering clothes. I'm more scared than I was before the run. I put my clothes on quickly. There's a knock at the door.

"Go away" I yell.

"No Hope! I never thought I'd see you again! I'm not losing you again!" He shouts from the other side of the door. I run to my room and grab my large robe, and I open the door a crack reaching the robe out the door.

"Is it on?" I ask.


I take a deep breath and open the door, he looks exhausted maybe in pain.

"Raf! Are you okay?!" He seems like he's short of breath.

"Wolvesvain" he says sighs.

" please come in!! You can lay on my couch! How do u have wolvesvain in you? " he untied his robe, I look away.

"It's okay!" He reassured me.

I look towards his direction and he has blood down his chest. He tilts his neck I see a bullet. Oh no. I run to the kitchen and grab a bottle of alcohol. When I walk back in he's asleep. First I take a take a couple swigs then I pour alcohol of the wound so I can see. I put my thumb on my pointer finger and index finger and I pull out the bullet, I accidentally pulled too hard and it flew in the kitchen and broke a flower vase. Oops. I havent been practicing too regularly. I magically heal Raf's wound. He's still sleeping. I spell a pile of clothes next to Raf for when he wakes and place a glass of water next to him.

I make us a meal to eat. A burrito bowl. I filled his bowl over the brim. He looks like he really needs to eat. I walk into the room with the plate and snap my fingers when I do so his eyes open.

"Hope, what? How? Why am I naked?"

"Don't panic! I took out your bullet. You found me in the woods do you remember?"

"No I was really out of it. "

"I woke up to you in the woods"

"I'm glad you saved me."

" you were in a lot of danger with that bullet. It was spelled and if it was in your skin for more than 24 hours you would turn into a ripper wolf. Do you know who shot you? "

"It happened when I was on a run, I fell when it happened, I guess when I regained consciousness I followed your sent. I wasn't in shape to find out who shot me. I was delusional most of it but I don't think it was a full day."

" I guess we'll find out. In the meantime you need to stay in my seller if anything happens I can protect myself and work on a cure. I won't let you kill again Raf, don't worry. "

He agrees to my request and then reaches for the food and devoured it. Soon he helps me carry blankets down to the seller.

When I close the cage doors he tells me to sit down. I do.

"What happened?"

" When the school found out Dr. sutzman was under a spell, it was over the announcements. I was in first block. My heart felt like it fell to the floor. I was so hurt. Then people started belittling me calling me horrible things. Then I ticked. I screamed I broke down, my darkness was starting to show. Lizzie and Josie protected most of the class but M.g wasn't protected he fell in seconds and when I took a breath I snapped out of it I noticed what I've done. I vamped up to my room and packed a few things and left. I never want to hurt anyone ever again so I ran for weeks and ended up here. "

"Josie hasn't stopped looking, we've been working as a team, Landon, Lizzie, Josie and your aunt. We've kind of thought you were dead."

"That was my plan Raf."

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!!

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