God's Plan ?

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I recieved the notes sent by her. It was really easy for me to prepare through her notes. She seemed so mentally strong and a studious girl obviously by appearance though.
Dark dense black hair left untied and round steel framed glasses just like the retro ones. I always found her either reading, writing or working on some or the other things. She was more like a busy bee.
"Thanks for your last minute help. I hope, your problem is also solved too."
I said
"Thank you so much. You came so out of everything and helped me through this. Thank you, thank you." She said
"It was no big deal for me, the big thing is what you did for me." I said
"Please. It's really okay, I did what I knew of." She said
"Yeah exactly." I said
And we both shook our hands and sat discussing more about each other.

And then I felt myself trying to move towards her. I wanted to hear her the whole day, I wanted myself to look her every day and I wanted to hold her hand, yeah someday. I don't know why such thoughts arose but I felt different like I never felt before.

She was the simplest yet smartest among all the girls I've ever met.
We started meeting on a daily basis for few minutes at cafeteria. I wanted to take her out somewhere and after all she wasn't that familiar with the city.

One can fall in love hundred times, but when you find yourself growing with someone you're loving that one time will feel like a millennium.

Don't know how,  but something in me was changing and I didn't know for what that change was for.
"Hey Maira, sorry for this but I really need your help. Please call me or reply me whenever you get my message. Please." I sent her the message
Few minutes later she replied
"Heyy, tell me, what help you want from me?" She replied
"I need to submit my journals tomorrow and fuck me, I haven't completed a single one. I'm surely going to get myself in big mess at the end. Please help me Maira, pleaseee."
"Okay...ok..calm down, I'll help you." She said
"So, where will you meet me now so that I'll handover my journals to you." I asked
"Do you really want it to be completed today itself?" She asked
"Yes Maira. If it gets completed today or by tomorrow morning.
"Come to my house" she said
"Okay. I'll reach there in 10 minutes." I said

I rushed with my journals towards her home on my bike.
"Hey, Aarav." someone called
I stopped my bike and looked back. She was Sia.
"Hello Sia. Whats up ?" I said
"Where you going in so much hurry?" She asked
"I'm going to my friend's house for my projects." I said
"What kind of project it is?" She asked
"Actually Sia, it's not project it's my journal I want to complete it by someone." I replied
She laughed and said
"You should've told me that earlier. I could have also helped." She said
"Oh. Why don't you join us and this way the work will get completed more quickly." I said
"Sure. I don't mind." She said
"Come sit back." I said

I and Sia reached Maira's home and we went to her flat and I rang the doorbell.

She opened the door. " Hi" I greeted.
"Hey. I was expecting you only. Come in." said Maira
"Oh great. By the way, Maira meet Sia. She met me on the way and I told her everything. She's here for my help. Isn't that sounds good?"
"Of course it is. At least we got more hands so now that we can complete even more quicker." said Maira.
"Not a big thing for me. I had no work the whole so I agreed to lend my help." Sia said
"So can we start?" asked Maira
"Yes without wasting anymore time." I said
"Sure." said Sia.

We then got engaged in writing respective articles and journals.
After two hours most of the subjects were over only Maira was writing the last part.
"Do you guys need tea or coffee?" asked Maira
"No we don't want to bother you, already you're busy with my work and I won't feel good to make you do more. Thank you for asking." I said
"Yeah Maira, I agree with Aarav, but if you need a cup I can go and make for us. You can continue with your work." Sia said

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