Semaij and Angel were actually cordial per my request. We couldn't have a good time together if everyone didn't get along. So they put the petty past behind them, talked it out, and was working on being nice to each other. I wouldn't have it any other way.

For two weeks, we've been inseparable. We'd hang out at the beach, go out to eat together, sometimes to the movies, or we'd have a little get together at each other's homes. I felt like I had nomore problems anymore.

Like life, was finally alright for me.

"Aye, y'all would be a cute lil couple now that I see this" Antonio, now high as a kite, said with the joint up to his lips. "Not cuter than me and Semaij, though."

"Oh please, Tony. If me and Dame were a thing, we'd look way better than you two," Angel bragged, tightening her arm around Damien's neck.

Semaij laughed, accepting the joint from Antonio. "Good thing we won't have to worry about that, because you two" she pointed at them. "would never happen."

Angel giggled, as did I. It was true. Angel wasn't Damien's type.

"What makes you think so?"

"Is he vouching for the nonexistent relationship right now?" She asked.

We all looked at Damien, who was so high that he was on the verge of falling asleep. Angel looked at him as well with a frown.

"I stand corrected," she mumbled. "you don't like me, Dame?"

"Hm?" He hummed groggily. "What happened?"

"He's messed up," I said as Semaij doubled over in laughter.

Angel pouted, standing up from his lap. She came to my side of the bed and laid next to me. I rubbed her back in comfort. I could see that she was a little upset, and felt rejected. But who knows? Maybe, he does actually like her.

"I feel played."

"It's okay girl" Semaij sympathetically touched her hand, but she was still laughing. "dust yourself off and try again."

I nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later, Antonio and Damien had fallen asleep after smoking another blunt, leaving us ladies awake, just talking.

"Ana, I have something to tell you," Angel said excitedly, grabbing my hands.

"What is it?" I frowned.

"There's someone that likes you girl! Like, really, really likes you!"

"Oh hell no. Nope" Semaij quickly shook her head before I could respond. "She's not interested."

"Hold on Semaij. She doesn't even know who it is!"

"Who is it?" I asked against my better judgement.

Angel clasped her hands together with a close lipped smile. It felt like forever until she answered. My nerves literally jumped.


I looked at her with a shocked look on my face. It's been weeks since I've heard from him. Yes, he was handsome, but Michael was who I wanted.

Now how the hell was I going to tell her that without spilling the beans?


Munich, Germany

Michael Jackson -- June 27th, 1992
Location: Olympischer Platz 3; Olympiastadion

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