The Good And The Bad

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I woke up to the sunlight hitting my  face. Anthony forgot to close the blinds before going to sleep last night. I looked over to see the time
10:45 A.M.
"Jesus." I whispered to myself, I never wake up this late. I got out of bed and head to the kitchen I grabbed a protein bar, as I was feeling a lot better, my bruises were still purple, but they didn't hurt as bad like they used too.
I sat down on the couch eating the protein bar staring out of the window.
Antony has these really big windows since he lived in Condo on the top floor, he basically lived in a pent house.
After staring at the empty wrapper of the protein bar for what seemed like hours. I heard groaning
"Y/N" Anthony groaned slowly walking out of his room.
I smiled running up to him In a hug.
He picked me up hugging me back
"Someone's feeling better." He smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek.
He sat me down on the counter top as he walked to the fridge.  "Have you had breakfast already?" He asked me looking for leftover or something that was edible.
I nodded "yeah I had one of your protein bars if that's okay."
"Of course it's okay, baby." He smiled also grabbing a protein bar.
At the same time Anthony and I both got a text from Lin, it was in the Hamilton Groupchat

Okay, I got good news and bad news. The bad news is that the performance is actually today, we had to reschedule, it's confusing don't ask. And the good news is.  We'll be back on schedule!

I looked back at Anthony then down at my phone. I got another text from the groupchat.

Jonnny (Jonathan Groff)
What times the performance tonight then?

Oh, it's not tonight, it's in 3 hours, so y'all better get here fast.

Me and Anthony both looked at eachother we rushed around his house trying to get ready.

After getting ready we got in his car and drove to Richard Rogers. This theater has changed your life, everytime you came here it was like a dream.

Anthony and I rushed inside

"Well look at the two love birds!" Thayne smiles rubbing off to get his costume. It looked like everyone was rushing.
After all it was short notice.
I kissed Anthony bye as we went are separate ways to go get ready.
"Finally there she is!" Renée cheered.
I thought she was going to give me a hug but instead she handed me my dress.
"Put it on." I stared in shock how serious her voice went.
"NOW!" Jasmine demands behind Renée.
I rushed to get my dress on as the as announcement came off the loud speaker

"The audience is now entering the theater. You have 5 minuets until you must get into your places."

I got to my place on the right side of the stage.
I tried to make eye contact with Anthony every chance I got. He would always wink at me and smile if we did make eye contact.

While we had 30 minutes during the intermission I ran to go find Anthony, I'm glad we had a lot more time together during the second act.
"There you are my son."
I smiled even though that kinda sounded weird since we were in a relationship.
"Are you ready?" I asked him as he picked me up.
"Damn it's hard to pick you up in this big dress." He chuckled as he walked me to the side of the stage.
We waited until it got to take a break. After performing both act one and two I went to my changing room and got back into regular clothes. I didn't even have my own clothes they were still Anthony's.

I was surprised that I was able to perform, I felt like I was on deaths door yesterday and now I feel almost 100%

Anthony and I went out to go eat dinner, we've only been dating for a few weeks but it's felt like a year, because we've had such a strong bond since the first time we met.

Word Count: 709
I know this chapter was very short, but next chapter is the last chapter so it will be amazing! Thanks for reading this fan fiction! I'm glad you've liked it!
The next chapter will come out in 2-3 days!

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