Regression quirk?

Start from the beginning

Todoroki, Midoriya, Mina, Tsuyu and Kirishima were in charge of clothing.

Bakugo, Momo, Uraraka, Kaminari and Sero were in charge of toys

Jiro, Hagakure, Tokoyami, Shoji and Iida were in charge of getting supplies for nappies.

(Y/N) went with The clothes group since they needed to know her size.

Mina and Tsu took (Y/N) into the change rooms with some cute dresses and shirts and overalls. When she came out of the change rooms, Kirishima and Midoriya look at her with a satisfied face.

"She looks adorable!" Midoriya yells out loud, causing the little girl to flinch. She quickly uses her hands to cover her ears, closing her eyes tight. This caught Todoroki's attention. He knew what that feeling was.

Making his way to the little girl, he neals down to her level and wraps his arms around her body. Rubbing her back and whispering calming words to her that only she can hear.

Midoriya looks worried and steps back a bit upset with himself for scaring the little girl. Todoroki picks her up and carries her out of the clothing shop while the others pay.

(Y/N) looks up to the male holding her and asks a question. "Can I get some toys?" This catches the boy by surprise. He nods and messages Midoriya about where he was going.

While still carrying (Y/N) he makes his way to the group buying toys for her. Seeing Bakugo standing in the toy aisle. (Y/N) gestures to Todoroki that she wants to be put down, doing so (Y/N) runs off from Todoroki.

"Katsu~kun!" (Y/N) says running towards him catching his gaze. She jumps into him and he pulls her into a hug. "Hello (Y/N)." He says with a small smile.

Todoroki makes his way towards (Y/N) and Bakugo. "How's the toys going?" Todoroki asks. Bakugo looks down the aisle towards the small group looking through all the toys targeted towards girls. The toys in that aisle don't really catch (Y/N)'s attention what does though are some hero stuff in the aisle across.

"Katsu~Kun, can we go over there?" (Y/N) asks as she points towards the aisle with all the hero toys and plushies are. Bakugo smirks at what she said and walks towards the hero toys.

"I knew she would like these, but no~ we have to go look at the girl toys." Bakugo mutters to himself. (Y/N)'s eyes drift to the new types of plushies that were there. Those being plushies of her friends.

Bakugo puts her down and she runs straight to them. She shuffles through them all looking for a certain one. Finding it she smiles a bright wide smile. "I want this one!" She says all exited. The smile makes Bakugo think for a moment, she doesn't really smile like that anymore.

The plush (Y/N) has was none other then Bakugo Katsuki, also know as Ground Zero! She looks around the Aisle some more and picks out her favourites. They make their way back to the small group with what she chose. Placing the plushies in the small trolly.

As Bakugo puts the hero plushies in the trolly he is bombarded with some words that he didn't want to hear.

"Why did you get them, she won't want them!"

"She is a girl, she will want these kinds of toys."

This just pissed him off. "Why can't (Y/N) have these?" He asks the group as he pick her up. The small group look at him surprised. "She pick them out herself." He said. They all just shut up and continued looking.

A yawn appears out of nowhere as (Y/N) begins to get tired. "Can we go home now?" She asks with a small adorable yawn coming after.

He nods his head and tell the others what he was doing. They all nod and continue. (Y/N) grabs a plush that she wanted to take with her and they go to the checkouts. Bakugo pays for the mini him and they exit the store to walk back to the dorms, which weren't that far away.

Bakugo walks through the dorm making his way towards her room and placing her down on her bed.

Curling into a ball she hugs her new plush tight and falls asleep. Bakugo begins to leave, until he hears her body rolling around the bed restlessly. Making his way towards the bed he lays down with her and hugs he tight. Beginning to settle down she snuggles into Bakugo's chest.


The sun shines through the curtains of the room and shines straight into Bakugo's eyes. The little girl in front of him with cuddling her new plush of him, taking this short time of her asleep he quickly makes his way to his room to change into some new clothes. Heading towards her room again he sees the tiny girl standing beside the bed with the plush in one hand, while rubbing her eye with the other.

"Katsu~Kun~ I'm hungry~" she whines a bit towards the boy. Grabbing the little girls hand he guides her towards the kitchen and sits her down in a high chair that Midnight brought over. She seemed to have kept it from when she was younger.

Bakugo decides to make her some pancakes. Cutting the pancakes up he gives the plate to the mini (Y/N). Sitting down next to the high chair he begins to eat.

After eating people begin to wake up and make themselves Breakfast. Suddenly the doors slam open and two young adults run in. "Where's (Y/N)!" This makes the girl flinch, tears brimming her eyes. Bakugo is quick to action and picks up the girl and comforts her. "It's okay. Nothings going to happen." He whispers in her ear.

Bakugo looks up to see the two young adults. The two adults being the one and only Tohru and Kyo Sohma, but he didn't know that. "Who are you guys? How do you know (Y/N)?" He asks the couple. They look at each other then back to Bakugo.

"My name is Kyo Sohma and this is my wife Tohru, we are friends with (Y/N). She said she would come in- come visit us." He explains. Bakugo then realises something.

"So your the two that upload those music videos." He says which catches them off guard. Kyo then nods then asks again where the girl was. He Lifts (Y/N) up towards the couple. They both look surprised and asks what happened.

Suddenly again the door slams open. Aizawa runs in and begins to announce that there is a villain attack, but then stops mid sentence as he sees the two unfamiliar adults in the room.

"False alarm! Doesn't matter!" Aizawa then says. Looking towards Bakugo he sees his one and only daughter, walking towards her she puts out her grabby hands for Aizawa to grab. Picking her up he walks away to play with her, as well as change her clothes and Nappy.

"She's a baby see and she is fine. She is just going through stuff that happened in her childhood." Bakugo explains. This pops the question in their heads.

"What happened in her child hood to be so scared of things?" They ask in unison. Bakugo looks at them then his hands. "To be honest no one knows, the only people who know are her, Mr. Aizawa and some other teachers she grew up with. Aizawa took her in at a young age." Bakugo explains.

No words are said for a while as the two adults walk out of the building and back to their house. Bakugo makes his way to his girlfriends room to hang out like they decided.


Thank you for reading!
Hope you enjoyed!

Have a wonderful day/night!

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