Chapter 44: Reunion and Recuperation

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In which Sara drinks tea and Thorin finally relaxes.

Sara jerked awake, her arm throbbing. She groaned fighting back the dull ache all over her body and blinked rapidly, trying to bring her surroundings into focus.

"I see you are awake," said Legolas's voice as the bed creaked under his weight near her legs. The fuzz in her vision began to clear and she turned her head toward the sound. "I told you we would arrive in time." Legolas came into focus. She raised a hand to rub her eyes and felt all her muscles protest as though she had run a marathon and forgotten to stretch. Her body was stiff and heavy but the pain in her arm was more localized and it was a relief to have her vision clear once again.

"Where are we?" she asked, groaning as she struggled to prop herself on her arms. Legolas reached to stop her.

"The halls of my father. Lie still, you're still very weak. Move around too much and you will make yourself ill." She fell back on the pillows and felt her stomach turn violently.

"Urgh... Too late," she moaned, trying to suppress the convulsions building in her abdomen. "I think it's too late." Quickly but carefully, Legolas assisted her into a sitting position, propping pillows behind her, before putting a large pitcher in her lap. Not a moment too soon as she retched into the container. There had been little but liquids in her stomach but even when it was empty of its contents she could not quell the spasmodic convulsions. Legolas went to the door of her small room and after whispering something to someone outside returned to sit in the high back wing chair beside her.

"I did warn you that there might be some unpleasant side effects," he said, watching her piteously as he laid a hand towel in her lap. "Hopefully this will not persist any longer than a day. I have sent for some tea that may help settle your stomach for a time."She looked up at him after a few moments, her stomach still for a moment.

"It's okay," she said after wiping her mouth. "This is still better than the full body cramps from yesterday. That was horrible." She bent over the pitcher again as the feeling in the back of her throat grew. Quickly she asked, "What time is it? Where are the others?"

"They have not yet arrived," he said, rising and going to the window before drawing aside the heavy curtains. Sunlight spilled onto the heavy woven rug covering the stone floor, across the bed, and reached her hands, warming them. "It is nearly noon and they should be here soon if all went well." There was a small frown on his lips as he looked outside. Sara's eyes roved over the room. It was small, modestly furnished, and mostly unremarkable. Not until her gaze was drawn upward did she let out a small gasp. Above her the ceiling was a dark blue speckled with tiny white stones. It reminded her of the night sky.

"You have discovered the ceiling," said Legolas, not looking away from whatever drew his attention outside.

"Where are we exactly?"

"In a corridor near the medical wing. After you received the anti venom you were no longer in danger and did not require further monitoring. So I brought you here. Your arm will heal within a few days under our care. I picked this room especially for you."

"Because of the ceiling?" she asked, studying its beauty.

"Partially, but more importantly it is one of the few empty rooms with an outside window. I believed that after weeks spent in the forest you would appreciate the sun's warmth. I relish it after returning from the woods, especially recently. There was a time when the forest was more healthy, less... dark." He trailed off, a frown creasing his face.

"Thank you," she said after a moment. "You are right. I really really really missed the sun on my skin. At this point I would almost welcome a sunburn."

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now