Chapter 61: Crack in the Mountain

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"Man, I wish we had proper rock climbing gear," said Sara, her chin tipped to the sky. "That's one long steep climb." She shaded her eyes against the sun with a hand as she took in the grooves cut into the side of the mountain. The groves stretched up out of sight and didn't resemble stairs in the least.

"That it is," said Nori, tugging the rope around her waist to make sure it was secure. She frowned at him.

"I know how to tie a knot," she said, with a scowl, folding her arms over her chest.

"Just making sure it's not a slip knot," he said with a smirk. "No need to bruise ourselves today."

"What trouble have you gotten yourself into now?" asked Bofur, approaching Bilbo who was tangled in several loops of loose rope.

"I can't seem to get this right," said Bilbo miserably. "Are you sure there's not an easier way up? Must we climb?"

"Quite sure, Mr. Baggins," said Nori. "Unless you would go to the next valley over and scale an even stepper climb and then cross over the upper slope, which we don't have time for."

"Indeed," said Bofur, rescuing Bilbo from the rope. "It seems that not only did the makers of the door intend for it to be secret, but also difficult to reach."

"It's not natural," muttered Bilbo under his breath. "Hobbits were not meant to climb a wall like a spider."

"Are you sure the door is up there?" asked Sara, braiding her hair to keep it out of her face for the climb.

"We followed the directions that Ori copied from the book," said Bofur, tying the rope around Bilbo's noticeably thinner middle. "It also matches the position on the map that we lost it in the goblin tunnels. There is a little alcove up there and a smooth stretch of stone where we believe the door to be."

"Let us hope you are right," said Thorin, appearing at Sara's side. He took her pack from its place by her feet and stashed it with the others at the base of the cliff. "We haven't time to go elsewhere before sunset."

"That elf better have a quick step," said Nori, tossing his pack on the pile as well.

"His name is Airidan," muttered Sara, pulling a tie from her pocket.

"It is of no consequence," said Thorin, taking the tie and finishing her braid. "We can not wait for him. He will arrive when he arrives, but the door will not wait."

"We'd better start the climb," said Dwalin, pointing to the sinking sun after securing himself behind Sara on the length of rope.

Today was Durin's Day. Four days past Gandalf left and Fili and Kili departed with Legolas and most of the elves for Mirkwood. Fili had still been upset with their separation but he had gone willingly enough. Before they left it had been agreed that the herbs to drug Smaug would be delivered to the dwarves camp in the valley southwest of the mountain early on the fourth day. The company had traveled with the people of lake town for two more days before they had finally split ways at the ramshackle gates of Dale. Sara had chosen to travel with her family for those two days and it had been awkward but not entirely unpleasant.

The company set up camp in the southwest valley the next day and reunited with Nori and Bofur who were pleased to report they had found the location of the door. But noon of Durin's Day had come and gone without delivery of the herbs and Thorin had grown anxious. Sensing the growing tension in the group Airidan volunteered to stay behind and see that the ponies were properly loaded with the herbs before following. Thorin had readily agreed and leaving the five ponies in the elf's care, Bofur and Nori led the company around to the west side of the mountain to where the so-called stairs were carved into the mountainside.

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