Chapter 62: Smaug the Magnificent

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Before you read I just want to quickly apologize for this chapter taking so long to get out. I took a break at Christmas knowing I would not get anything done with family in town for two weeks and since then we have been sick almost every other week with something or other. Couple this with the fact that Smaug was always a part of the story that I never really had any ideas for and it just took a while. And for those of you who notice this chapter is not as long as the recent ones... that's because I split it in half and will have the next one up in the next week. I had a sneaking suspicion that it would have been over 12,000 words together and this was a good stopping point. The next is already written just undergoing eddtis. Thank you to my loyal readers. I have been at this story for over two years now and if you are still here you are awesome! If you went away and you are back again I totally get it and thanks for returning! Welcome to all new readers! I hope it was all worth the wait. Please let me know if you are still out there and as always thanks for reading!

The world was grinding to a mind-numbing halt. Sound and movement bombarded Thorin on every side but he stood rooted to the spot, dread seeping through his veins like ice. The dragon's talons closed around Sara midair, leaving Thorin's waiting arms empty. Her small frame was swallowed up in the dragon's grip and for several eternal heartbeats, Thorin feared she had been crushed. Only Sara's continued shrieks of pain and surprise fought back this growing certainty. Smaug's wings beat the air around them into a veritable gail as he flew higher and higher, Sara clutched in his claws.

"Sara!" screamed Thorin, wrenched from his paralysis. A spear whizzed past and struck the dragon's underbelly but to no avail. The weapon simply ricocheted to the side leaving nary a scratch behind.

"Thorin, get down!" bellowed Dwalin.


His throat was raw with the force of his shout. He staggered forward but moments later was tackled to the ground by Dwalin as Smaug's tail whistled down from above knocking boulders loose from the mountainside. The rest of the company was forced to take refuge in the tunnel as the entrance was buried in an avalanche of rock and stone.

"Thorin!" cried Sara.

The sheer panic in her voice drove into Thorin's brain like hundreds of jagged nails. He had failed. Again. How many times would it take until he learned? He staggered to his feet, pushing away Dwalin's restraining hands. He had to get to Sara, save her. It was his fault. He never should have let her come, never should have let her out of his sight. He drew Orcrist, but the blade was of no use at this range. The dragon was out of reach and flying away. Anger and desperation bubbled up inside his chest, burning his lungs as he shouted.

"Cowardly worm!"

The dragon's flight paused and after a moment the great beast turned to face him.

"No less a coward who skulks in shadowed tunnels in hopes of an antiquated revenge. And what have you to show for it?"

"Return Sara. Return her to me and I will pursue this venture no longer."

The great lizard laughed deep in his chest, but Thorin's eyes were drawn to his taloned feet where he could see Sara's face. It was a wash of panic and pain as she struggled.

"And why should I care what you do? Your attempt on the mountain is futile. Many years have I been king here and many more shall I remain. Long past the short days of a would-be dwarf prince."

"Return the woman to me!"

"You treasure her more than this mountain?"

"Yes," came his unhesitating reply.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now