Chapter 65: The Madness of Preparation

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"Mind ya stay clear lass," called Dwalin. Sara backed out of the way as Dwalin took hold of the rope that led from the large boulder and wrapped it around his chest.

"Mind you don't use that hand of yours," called Oin as he and the others took up the remaining leads.

Dwalin grumbled something incoherent but adjusted his hold and held his bandaged hand visibly to the side. Oin had given Dwalin a strict edict not to use his injured hand, but this had far from prohibited Dwalin from contributing his considerable strength to every task possible. In fact, Oin had found it difficult to browbeat any of the injured into complete recovery before they had returned to normal activity. His only marginal success had been with Thorin who was still relatively tender. With Oin and Sara's urging he had resigned himself to tasks that didn't require brute strength.

The past few days had blurred by, what with the company constantly occupied with one task or another. They had successfully found the old library where Thorin had been satisfied to find maps and blueprints detailing the construction of Erebor. Given this guidance, it had not been too difficult to track what had once been the source of clean water backward until they found what had caused the blockage. But finding the problem and fixing it were two separate matters. Unfortunately, the channel that had carried the water collapsed in several key places. It had taken them three days to repair the system well enough to bring water back to this point. But if they were right this was the last blockage between the water and the residential district. This final boulder was all that was left, or so they hoped. Sara was excited at the possibility of a bath tonight, even if it was not hot. It was better than the simple cloth wipes she was becoming so accustomed to. She might be able to begin cleaning in earnest. Perhaps tomorrow she would even be able to sleep in a clean bed and wash her clothes.

"Ready?" called Dwalin as the others braced themselves. "Heave!"

The ropes went taught for a moment as the dwarves granted with effort until at last there was a moan and a crack as the large boulder was dislodged and tumbled forward. The group dropped the ropes and stepped forward to inspect their handy work. Sara held her breath, praying that at last, they were through the block. She crept forward trying to see over Bofur's shoulder.

"Did it work?" she asked, biting her lip. She jerked back as something cool and wet hit her face, making her sputter.

"Aye lass, I reckon it did. Though we still have to remove the small debris to completely clear the waterway." He moved aside allowing her a clear view of the small cascade of water seeping from the cracks between the rocks.

"It doesn't seem fit to drink," she said, eyeing the discolored water. She dipped her hand in the cold water, the fine grit catching between her fingers and rubbing like sandpaper.

"Once the water has run without obstructions for a day or so the impurities will be washed away," said Dori, dipping a finger and tasting. "It's not fouled, just dirty. Don't mind it."

"Meanwhile, make yerselves useful," grumped Dwalinn as he began to throw stones to the side with his good hand. "Once this is done there is still plenty to do."

"Surely we have time for a bit of idle chatter," sighed Bofur. "Or a bite to eat."

"Up with you," called Nori, taking Bofur's hand and dragging him to his feet. "There will be time to rest when you're dead. Which may be sooner rather than later if we cannot make the mountain livable and defensible."

"Killjoy," muttered Bofur.

"After this, we still have to bring oil for the braziers in the town and light the way for the townspeople," said Balin, carrying a sizable rock to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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