Chapter 60: Catching Up

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Sara shook Kili's shoulder, glancing around the dark camp. Where was Fili? After recognizing Gandalf approaching on horseback, she and Bard had quickly made their way back to the camp. Bard had gone to notify Thorin and the others while Sara had found her way back to where the rest of the company still slept.

"Kili, wake up," she hissed, shaking his shoulder once again. Kili groaned and rolled over, peeping an eye at her.

"Sara, what's happened?" came Bilbo's voice from the left. The hobbit was on his knees, his tousled honey-colored curls flat on one side.

"Gandalf is back!" she said, unable to keep the excitement from her voice. Finally, Gandalf was back! There was so much to tell him! So much to talk about. Where had he been all this time? So many questions. "Come on Kili, get up!"

"Did you say Gandalf is back?" asked Kili groggily as he sat up and yawned.

"Yes!" she said impatiently as Bilbo hurried to wake the others.

In less than a minute they were up and headed to the tent where the others were gathering. They stepped inside, the burble of chatter rising to meet them as they made their way towards Fili, Thorin, and Balin. The space was packed with the bodies of dwarves, elves, and humans, not counting the odd wizard and hobbit. Lanterns hung from the slopped canvas ceiling on tethers. Gandalf and the new elf stood in the center of the canvas room conversing quietly. Bard and a few of the men from Lake-town including Talson and Eric were gathered to one side, Legolas and the elves from Mirkwood to the other, and the company including Sara and Bilbo stood near the back.

Sara's legs ached from the days walking so feeling a bit like a child in a kindergarten class she sank to sit on the dirt floor, trying to stifle a yawn. It had already been a long day and tonight was going to prove even longer. But despite her fatigue, Sara couldn't help but feel buoyed up by Gandalf's return. She was not the only one who seemed more alert and hopeful. Though there were many stifled yawns and tired faces, eyes were bright and smiles came more readily than they had in quite a while.

There was an unusual excitement among the elves over Gandalf's elven traveling companion, and Sara found her eyes drawn to the tall blond elf. On the surface, he didn't seem much different from the others of his race, but the longer she looked the more she thought she could feel power roll off of him. It was almost as though she were looking at Lord Elrond or Lady Galadriel. But strangely the spark around this elf was more electric, joyful, almost... wild.

At last, it seemed everyone important was gathered in the tent. It grew quiet with heavy and expectant anticipation. It was little Bilbo who at last broke the thick silence.

"Gandalf, where have you been?"

"All shall be answered in due time Mr. Baggins," answered Gandalf somberly though not unkindly.

"Due time has come and gone," grumbled Dwalin, his arms crossed over his chest. "We needed you long ago."

"There are urgent matters in this world other than yours, master Dwalin," said Gandalf cooley. "Many things require my attention. But come, tell me of your current situation."

"First introduce your companion," said Talson, grimacing as he shifted his arm in its sling. "Who is the new elf?"

There was a hiss of disapproval from several of the other elves. Legolas stepped forward looking almost angry.

"Hold your tongue if you are able," said the elf prince. "This is Glorfindel, slayer of the balrog on the pass of Cirith Thoronth. The Valar themselves saw his great deeds and brought him back to life to act as their emissary. Do not..." The golden-haired elf beside Gandalf laughed merrily. His mirth was light and floated around the room like leaves kicked up in a whirlwind.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now