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Chris POV

"This sounds pretty good" I said to Def Jams new artist, Lil Bibby.
"I been working hard on it. Do you think this will sound good on the new mixtape?" he asked.
Def Jam just signed Lil Bibby. I'm working with him right now on his first official mixtape.
"Yeah, it fits right in. I think it would be nice if we get T.I. to come in and spit on it. I let him listen to one of your songs before you got signed here, he said you were hot."
"Hell yeah. That shit would be right."
"Alright, I'll have to call him up tonight. But i gotta get going. Meet you here tomorrow, at 12?" I said as I grabbed my jacket off the chair.
"Alright. I'll be here. Thanks Chris"
"No problem" I said as I started to close down the studio.

Once i got into my car, I decided to call Vanessa. Me and her haven't been spending much time together so I wanna take her out to dinner tonight.
"Wassup baby" I asked as she answered the phone.
"Hey. You off work?"
"Yeah, just got in the car. I miss you"
"I miss you more" she cooed
"I wanna do something special for you tonight. So be home on time please. I'll be there to pick you up at 8. I have to handle some business first"
"Okay Chris. I gotta go. I love you"
"I love you more" I said, then ended the call.

Dylan's POV

I came home to an empty house. Once I locked the door behind me, I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.
"Nothing, of course" I mumbled to myself as I closed the door. I then grabbed an apple from the basket on the counter and made my way to the living room. I began to search for the remote before plopping myself on the couch and turning on the T.V.

*zing zing* the vibration of my phone had awaken me. I must have fallen asleep. I checked to see who it was.

I had 2 missed calls from August and a text from my mom.

Mommy: Dylan, make sure the house is clean when I get there.

I read the text and exited out of the messages app and then decided to call Aug back.

Me: Hey babe.
Aug: What are you doing? I've been calling you.
Me: I was sleep, Aug. Dang.
Aug: You didn't tell me you were taking a nap.
Me: Well shit, I didn't know that I had to announce that. What's your problem.
Aug: I just want to know what you're doing all the time.
Me: I didn't even know what I was doing. It happened all of a sudden. Chill out.
Aug: I'm coming to see you.

I glanced at the clock, it was 5:00.

Me: uhh, now?
Aug: Yes, now. Text me your address.
He hung up the phone before I could say anything else.

Fuck, I have to clean the house now before Aug gets here. I opened up out text message thread and sent him my address. I then made my way to the kitchen to begin washing the dishes.

The ring of the doorbell made me so nervous for some reason.

I opened it and Aug was standing there with a box in his hand and a rose on the top of it. I was so shocked. He was wearing a white and blue North Face rain coat, some dark blue jeans, and the new Legend Blue 11s, which had just came out this morning.
He stepped in my house.
"What's this?" I asked, looking at the packaged box.
"Open it" he said handing it over to me. I took the rose off and placed it on the kitchen counter. I walked over to the draw to get some scissors out of it. I began to cut the tape off of the box. When I opened the box, I instantly became excited. I saw a black Jordan shoe box.
"No way.." I said surprised.
"Look inside Dylan, dang. You don't even know what it is. It could be some rocks" he laughed.
Shutup. I took the Jordan box outside of the packaging box and opened it. Inside, there was a whole new level of beauty. There, right in front of my eyes were the Legend Blue 11s. I pulled the out quickly and screamed.
"You got me them?! Why?!" I said turning towards August.
"Cause I just wanna see that smile that you have on your face right now"
"Aug you didn't have to" I said as I placed the shoe on the table and began to walk towards to him.
"I didn't have to, but I wanted to. You my girl, I wanna make you happy" he said pulling me in between his legs.
He cuffed my face and gently peeked my lips.
We were interrupted my Chris walking in the door.

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