The Dinner

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Dylan's POV

"I can't believe her!" I yell as I drop myself on my queen size bed.
How can she do this? Get engaged out of no where to a nigga that probably just reached the drinking age and then brings him in here like its nothing. Then, she sits here and acts like I'm supposed to be okay with it. Yeah, it's been a while since my mom has probably laid eyes on another guy, but this is entirely too fast. Does she even know him? I don't know how long their little relationship has been going on, but I'm sure it hasn't been that long.

I sit in my bed and just think about everything that just happened and I begin to feel bad. My mom has been alone for 7 years, I should be happy for her. I just don't want to see her getting hurt. I glance at the clock on my nightstand and it says 4:32. I have to go down and apologize.

I walk down the stairs and see both my mom and Chris standing by the stove talking. I walk over quietly and end up bumping into the table. They both turned around quickly with a black stare on their face.

"Hey, mom. Hm, I'm sorry for overreacting and calling you stupid. I was just angry for a moment and I wasn't thinking. I'm actually happy for you. And Chris, I'm sorry for not giving a proper introduction. I'm Dylan"

He nods with a smile and says " It's okay Dylan, I understand it might be hard to accept the fact that your mom is engaged. We really do love each other and I think it's only right that we have your permission. So, do we?" He asked. I'm just now noticing how attractive he is.

"I guess" I say with a smirk. I look to my mom and she has a huge smile on her face. She is the only reason I'm doing this. Ever since my dad passed, I don't see her smile as much. But hopefully, Chris will change this.

"Great!" My mom says. "Chris wants to take you to dinner if that's okay. It'll give you guys a chance to bond"

"Is that okay with you?" Chris says, looking over at me.

"Yeah, just give me some time to go change into different clothes"

Chris nods and I make my way up the stairs and into my room.

I open my closet confused on what is appropriate to wear for a dinner with my moms new, young, fine fiancé. I try to push the thoughts of how good he looks to the back of my head, but they keep coming back. I go back to my bed and grab my black iPhone 6. I open up the recent conversation with Alison and my other best friend, Chynna.

Dylan: Yall will not believe the day I just had
Ali: girl what?!
Chynna: Wassup?
Dylan: My mom is fucking engaged!!😐
Ali: NO WAY!!!!
Chynna: Say word?!
Dylan: Hell yeah man. When I was walked in the door they were both sitting there. Then they told me.
Ali: How did you react?
Dylan: I ran upstairs. But I apologized. now I'm going to dinner with him 😒
Chynna: is he cute? that's the question
Dylan: he's fine as hell! but that's not important
Ali: yeah it's not, it only matters if he's nice.
Chynna: hell no. it matters if he's cute 😂
Dylan: well let me get dressed, I'll tell you guys more tomorrow.
Chynna: Damn right you will
Ali: have fun!!

I put my phone on the charger then walked back to my closet. I picked out a white button up Polo shirt, some black leggings, and brown Michael Kors boots with gold buckles. I took my hair down from the messy bun and fixed up my makeup. Grabbing my phone from the charger, I walked towards the door and down the stairs. Chris was waiting for me at the front door. He opened it and I walked out.

"Have fun. Bond!" My mom yelled out as Chris closed the door.

He walked over to the passengers side of the silver BMW as a followed and he opened the door for me. It's weird how nice he is. When I got it, he closed the door and then walked to his side of the car and hopped in. When he turned on the car, Bobby Shmurda's "Hot Boy" came on blasting through the speakers of his car. "You gotta be kidding me." I whispered, not thinking he heard me.

"You don't like this song?" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, I do. I just didn't think that you would be listening to it" I said looking at him.

Looking at him from the side is like looking at heaven. His jawline is perfectly structured and his beard is nicely cut.

"So I can't listen to cool music, huh?"

"How old are you exactly?" I blurted out.

He sat there quiet for a minute and turned the music off. "25" he answered.

Damn, he is young as hell.

"Wow" I said, looking out the window.

"You ever heard, 'Age Ain't Nothing But a Number' girl?"

We both laughed.

We pulled into the parking lot of Grind Burger Bar. This is my favorite place. I wonder if my mom told him.

We got seated and a lady waitress comes to us. She looks at Chris without even noticing me there and ask what he would like to drink.

"A lemonade" Chris says, with his eyes on me.
She notices that he's showing no attention towards her and turns to me.
"And you?" she ask, nonchalantly.
"A sprite, please" I turn to her nicely. She fakes a smile and walks away.
I turn to Chris and he is staring my down.
"What?" I say. Not noticing how mean I sounded.
He brushes it off and says "You look like your mom, a lot"
"I don't think so" I say, looking down at the menu just to break the intense stare because I already know what I want.
"You do. You have her big beautiful blue eyes."
I try to change the subject because I start to feel uncomfortable.
"How long have you known my mom" I quickly ask.
"About 2 months now"
"You don't think that's quick?"
"I'll admit, it is kind of quick. But meeting your mom was love at first sight. She's an amazing person."
The waiter comes back with our drinks. She places them down handing us out straws afterwards and ask if we're ready to order.
"I would like a Bacon Cheeseburger, without Tomatoes, add Mayonnaise and a side of Fries" I spat out. This is what I get every time I come here.
She looks at Chris and he simply says "I would like the same" looking at me with a sly smirk. What is up with him?

Chris POV

I was expecting her daughter to be pretty, but damn, she is gorgeous. I can't help but to stare at her and she keeps trying to avoid contact but looking down the whole time. I was expecting more questions from her but I guess she's a little shy. Let me loosen her up a bit.

"So what do you like to do?" I asked.
She lifted her head and looked me in the eyes. God, those big blue eyes are doing something to me.

"I like to dance. I'm actually on the dance team at school" she said calmly.

"Really? I guess I'll have to see you dance one day" I said, hoping I didn't sound too creepy.

"We have a competition next weekend. We've been working really hard for it. Practice every day after school until 6:00. Today was my only day off"

"Well, I'm sorry for intruding your resting time."

"No it's okay, this is actually very relaxing. I love this place"

"Yeah, you're mom told me. Look Dylan, I know that this is probably a hard adjustment, and you're probably worried about your mom getting hurt, but you don't have to worry about me. I won't hurt her. But I do want us to have a good relationship. I'm actually cool once you get to know me"

She nodded her head and looked back down.

The rest of the night consisted of us basically getting to know each other. She's a cool girl, but she's so beautiful. I hope she doesn't get in the way of me and her moms relationship. I don't need this.

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