Chill Time

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Dylan POV

As I walk into the room, I decide to check my phone. I noticed 3 new text messages and a missed call from my mom. "Oh shit" I say, as I quickly dial her number.

"What's this about you missing 3rd and 4th period today? Where were you?"

I try to put on the best sick voice that I can.
"I'm sorry mom, my period came on today and cramps got the best of me, I texted Chris and asked him to pick me up and take me home" I said, hoping that she would believe me.
"Where is Chris? How come he didn't tell me this?" she asked, suspiciously.
"I don't know where he is, I've been in my room ever since. Why don't you just call him? He is your fiancé" I said with an attitude.
"Whatever Dylan, just make sure you make up your work. You know how I am about grades and I will not let some period cramps get in the way of your 4.0 GPA"
"Okay mom. I'm going to take a nap. Love you, see you Thursday" I said trying to rush her off the phone
"Love you too sweetie, hope you feel better. I know your ready to drive that car"
"I sure am, bye" I said, hanging up the phone.

I opened the messages app and saw text from Allison, Chynna, and August.

Chynna: I needed to copy your homework, and you're gonna just leave me like this?! 😪 thanks a lot.

Allison: hmmmm, where are you?! 👀

August: guess we weren't on for lunch today...

I quickly reply and told them that I didn't feel good and make my way out of my room and downstairs.

Chris was standing in the kitchen, cleaning, when I spotted him.

"Wassup?" he asked while putting the clean dishes in the dish rack.
"My mom called" I said walking onto the kitchen floor
"What did she want?" he asked, sounding concerned.
"She asked me why I wasn't in school today. I told her that I had cramps"
"She'll probably call me later." he said brushing it off. "What do you want to do for the rest of the day?" he asked.

"I don't know, let's just chill" I said walking towards the living room. I plopped on the couch and grabbed the remote.
"Wanna watch some Netflix?" I asked as I scrolled through the new releases section.
"That's fine with me" Chris said as he laid beside me on the couch.

I woke up in my moms bed wearing Chris' t-shirt. Quickly looking at the clock, I noticed that it was 10am.
"Where is he?" I whispered to myself and got up out of the bed.

I walked downstairs to look out the window and noticed that his car wasn't there.

I go back up the stairs to get my phone out of my room and text August.

me: good morning 😋 couldn't make it to school today. 😪
Aug: good morning beautiful, I hope you feel better. do you think you'll be able to come out to dinner with me and my family tonight?

Shit, will Chris let me out of the house tonight to hang with him?

Me: I'll let you know if I begin to feel better later on. That's cool?
Aug: Alright. Text me to let me know.

I close my phone as I hear the door downstairs unlock.

Chris POV

I know what I'm doing is so wrong. Thoughts keep appearing in my head of what will happen if Vanessa finds out. But, I just can't get enough of Dylan. it's almost as though I was suppose to be with her instead of her mother.

I make my way upstairs to see Dylan sitting on the bed in her room.

"Good morning babe" I say as I widen the door and take a foot into her room.
"Good morning" she says as she looks up from her phone.
I walk towards her and bend down to kiss her on the forehead.
"I brought you coffee" I said bringing the coffee from behind my back.
"Thanks" she says taking it from my hand.
I decide to sit next to her on the bed.
"Even just waking up, you still look amazing" I said to her while staring intently into her eyes.
Dylan does look amazing right now though. She has her straight hair in a messy bun and my black True Religion shirt with nothing under it. Bare. Just how I like her.
"Thank you" she says as she takes another sip of the coffee.
"My pleasure. So, what's today's plans? Its our last day together. You want to go on a date? Movies? Out to eat? What do you wanna do?" I said to her.
"Well, I am pretty hungry. Let's do that but hm" she hesitated "Can I go out to dinner with my friend and his family tonight?" she asked, getting up to set the coffee on the dresser.
"His?" I asked
"Yeah, his name is August. His parents want me to-"
"Nope" I said interrupting her.
"Why not?!" she asked loudly.
"You're not hanging out with some other guy when it's our day" I said to her while standing up.
"You can't control what I do!" she said to me. I can tell that she's pissed.
"You're under my authority right now, so yes I can. You're on punishment anyways" I said calmly
"Get out" she demanded.
I didn't take her serious and starting walking towards her.
"Get out!" she yelled, while pointing to the door. I made my way out of the room and she closed the door and locked it.

I made my way downstairs into the living room. Why is she so mad? She thinks that I took off of work to be with her, then I'm suppose to just let her go on a date with some other guy? Especially since she's on punishment. That doesn't even make sense.

I look up to realize to the sound of the T.V. on. I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I get up to go check on Dylan. When I walk in her room, she wasn't there but I heard the shower on. I walk in the bathroom and pull back the curtains.

"Chris, what the fuck?!" she yelled while dropping the soap.
"Just checking on you baby" I said while taking off my shirt.
"Well can you make it known that you're near instead of always scaring me?" she said picking the bar of soap back up.
"Maybe" I said as I hopped in the shower.

"I miss your touch" she said as I rubbed the towel on her lower back.
"What you want me to do baby?" I said seductively.
"I want you inside of me"

I grabbed Dylan and pulled her up on top of me. She started to bounce up and down as my dick was inside of her. I pushed her hair back so that I could get a clear look at her face. She was moaning loudly.
"Fuck, Chris" she grunted.
"You're doing good baby. Keep going" I said as I held her back.

We both got out of the shower and I walked into my room to put on some clothes. I decided on a black button up polo shirt, some black jeans and my black timbs.

When I walked into Dylan's room, she had on a black tight fitting dress that stopped at her lower butt, and some black heels. Her hair was still straight and hanged down to her mid back. The outfit made her look older than she really is and I loved it.

"You look good. Your black will compliment mine" I said as I entered the room.
She looked up while putting her earrings on.
"Oh, so you tried to copy me?" she giggled.
"Come on. Let's go" I said to her.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" the waitress asked.
"A sprite" Dylan said looking up from her menu.
"Okay" she said while writing it down on her pad. She turned to me. "And you, sir?"
"Can I have a Strawberry Margarita" I said back, not breaking eye contact with Dylan.
The waitress wrote it on her pad then turned around, and walked off.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier" Dylan said to me.
"It's fine"

We enjoyed our meal and talked about everything under the sun. School, work, boys, friends, everything. Until, we spotted her Vanessa's coworker, Tiana

"Dylan? Is that you?" Tiana said walking over to our table.
"Hey Tiana, how are you?" Dylan asked
"I'm good" she responded as she took a stare at me.
"And you are?" she asked, concerned. Maybe because her coworkers 17 year old daughter is on a date with a grown ass man.
"He's my mom's fiancée" Dylan said quickly, without letting me respond.
"Your mom is getting married?" she asked while still looking at me.
This lady looked so familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on where I know her from.
"Yes." I said glancing at Dylan, who looks nervous.
"Oh, that's nice. Well, I guess I'll see you later. Have a good evening" she said, turning away from the table.

"Who's that?" I asked Dylan.
"My moms coworker, Tiana. Maybe we should get out of here. She is a big gossiper. My mom hates her." Dylan said grabbing her purse from the side of the chair.
"Alright. Check please" I said to the waiter walking past us"

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