Competition Time

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*One Week Later*
Dylan's POV

"Okay girls, tomorrow is the day. It is our first competition of the year. I'm not going to work you guys that hard today because I want all of your energy saved up for tomorrow. We're just going to start going over the dances and then ya'll can leave at 3:30, if the dance looks good. Okay?" says Coach Nya.
We all shake our heads.
"Alright, let's start off with the contemporary/hip hop dance for 'X' by Chris Brown"
We all get into our formations and begin to dance as the music starts.

Since we did so well, Coach let us get out of practice at 3:00. Allison took Chynna home since I had to stop by August house to work on our project. We decided on the topic "Are kids that are guided all their life more successful than kids who learn on their own" I pull into Aug's driveway. A silver Range Rover was parked. I guessed that it must be his moms or his dad's. I wasn't expecting to meet his parents today. His house looked like a mansion. I walked to the door and rung the doorbell. Aug answered the door immediately. He changed from what he was wearing at school today. He had on a blue shirt, and basketball shorts. As I walked in, his mom was sitting in the dinning room on her MacBook.

"Hello" she said as she looked up and saw me.
"Hi" I said walking towards her. "I'm Dylan."
"Wow Dylan, you're even more gorgeous than August described you as. It's nice to meet you. I'm Sheila. You can call me Mama, just like everyone else"
"Its nice to meet you too. You have a beautiful home"
"Thank you. Are you guys working on your research project today?" she asked
"Yes mom, and we'll be in my room. So, see you later" spat August as he grabbed my hand and leaded me down the hallway and into his room.
For a guy, his room was pretty clean. His bed was made to perfection and it sat in the middle of his room. His walls were a light blue and he had a 42 inch television hanging on his wall in front of his bed. He went to his desk and got his black MacBook from it and placed it on his bed.

"So, do you know what you want to start searching for?" he asked me as I was still examining your room.
"Hm, yeah. We can start off by looking up the statistics. Then we can go and see what other professionals think that you should do."
"Sounds like a good idea" he says.
I watch him as he begins typing stuff into google, then I sit on his bed.
"Do you always keep your room this clean or did you just clean up for me?" I giggled.
"I always keep it this clean. I have OCD" he said, not looking up from the laptop screen.
"Really? Wow" I said, amazed. I would have never guessed.
"Here, I found out that most people think that you shouldn't guide your kids all their life because it will make it harder for them as they get older" he said, reading the words off the screen
"Let me see" I say as I look at the screen not noticing how close to him I was.
He then turned to and me asked "So, how was it for you? Did your parents baby you most of your life or did they let you-"
He kissed me.

At first I was I was shocked, but eventually I began to kiss him back. He slipped his tongue in my mouth and felt around my mouth. We were in a uncomfortable position so he stopped. He looked me in my eyes and got up without saying a word. As I sat on the edge of the bed, he came over to me and pulled me up. He then sat down and placed me on top of him and we ended up kissing again. We kissed for about five minutes in that position and then he turned me around so that he was now on top of me. I felt that this was going to far, so I stopped.

"What's wrong? I thought you liked me."
"I do like you but I think this is going to fast." I said looking at him.
He looked confused, as if he thought that I wanted to do that. I mean, yeah, I did want to kiss him but not now, and definitely not like this.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rush things and I don't want to make it awkward" he said sincerely.
"It's okay" I said looking down at the carpet.
"Should we get back to work?" he asked
We continued to work on our project for about an hour until my mom called me and told me to come home.
"Are you going to come to my dance competition tomorrow afternoon?" I asked him as he walked me to my car.
"Of course, and I'm going to take you out to eat too."
"Really?" I asked, trying not to sound too excited.
"Yes, but hey. You know your friend Chynna? Well my nigga Brandon wants to talk to her. You can bring her tomorrow, and we can double date"
"That sounds good! I'll text you"
"Okay, drive safe" he says and closes my door for me.

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