Chapter 5: My Guilty Pleasure (Edited)

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Chapter 5: My Guilty Pleasure

"Callie? I'm home!" He calls out. I dart out from the kitchen to greet him. "Binh!" I say excitedly, jumping into his arms. He swings me around happily. I kiss him and smile.
"How was your day?" I ask. "It was alright. I saved a life today." I smile.
"You save lives everyday."
"So do you."
"I mainly look at dead bodies and track serial killers."
"You still prevent them from killing anyone else."
"You save people with a scalpel, I kill people with this gun." I say putting my hand on the holster.
"And you have handcuffs. I like handcuffs." He flashes a sexy smile before kissing me again.
"Well someone's feeling kinky." I joke.
"I can't help myself when I have such a beautiful tough woman for a girlfriend."
"Binh, stop it. I'm trying to make casserole so you don't have to go cannibal in the morgue while I'm on my next case." He wraps his warm arms around my waist while I cook hamburger meat in a frying pan.
"You know you are the sexiest girl I have ever met?" I smile at him while I break apart the meat.
"I'm sure you've dated women sexier than me." I say.
"Yeah, but you're the only one who carries a gun." I bite he corner of my lip. I am such a bad person. I mean, I was with Aaron for almost a year, and then I moved to Paris and started fooling around with Binh. But after what happened between me and Derek last night... I think I either really am the sexiest woman in the world, or something is incredibly wrong with my desire to be faithful. There was a reason I liked my sin to win weekends in Atlantic city. I could have their money, get drunk, get free drugs, get laid and never have to see them again. But ever since last night... things have been different.
What happened between Derek and I wasn't sex, but it was such a strong longing and connection to one another I don't want to be kissing anyone else. I mean, I absolutely love and adore Binh, and I was thinking about moving on from third base with him... but now I have Derek standing in my way. My emotions and feelings toward Derek won't just go away, and I can't just keep ignoring them.
"Would you like to go out to a romantic dinner tonight?" He asks. "Where are you taking me?" I smile. This may be he perfect chance for me to break the news to him that I'm moving back to Quantico. I already called Hotch and Strauss. They've dealt with the higher authorities and I just have to do a bunch of paper work seeing as though I'm returning from the grave. I leave in 2 days.
"Lapérouse. I've already got reservations for 2." I smile.
"I guess I can't say no then." He kisses my neck.
"Guess not." Suddenly my phone rings, I put the lid over the pan and tell Binh to watch it. I quickly walk out onto the balcony, it's around 4:30am. I answer with a bright and cheerful hello.
"Emily, me, you, walk in the park? Right now?" Derek asks. "Right now?" I look behind me at Binh.
"Yeah right now, come on let's go."
"Derek I have company over..."
"At 4:30 in the morning?"
"You know what, never mind. I'll meet you there."
"Perfect. So you soon Princess." He jokes.
"Actually, it's Prentiss."
"Is it now? I think I like princess better."
"Oh shut up, all you know how to do is create a nice six pack and score all the ladies. Speaking of which, how many girls in Paris have hit on you so far?"
"Really? Who?" I ask kind of jealous.
"You, and of course my baby girl Penelope Garcia."
"I was not hitting on you!"
"You totally were! What do you call that whole I was lost without you speech? You said you knew how I felt because you felt he same way when you were away from me? Huh?"
"That was called expressing my love for you, not hitting on you." Suddenly Binh comes out onto the balcony. "Hey baby, what are you doing?" He asks. I hold a finger out to him.
"Alright, I'll see you soon. Bye." I hang up the phone and turn to Binh.
"Sorry that was Tess. She said she had something for me to review at the office. It can't wait." I say.
"That's alright. Reservations aren't until 6:00 tonight. Take your time with work." I smile and kiss him on the cheek.
"Thank you for being so understanding." I brush past him and grab my coat out of he closet. I rush down the stairs because the elevator is taking to long. I am not wearing anything fancy, just a pair of normal work clothes seeing as though I am supposed to be at work by 6:30.
I sit down on the park bench I was on last night. When he sits down beside me, I forget how to breathe.
"Have you decided?" He asks.
"I have."
"I will go back to Quantico and rejoin the bureau. I already told Hotch and Strauss and they've taken care of things."
"That's great. But, why were you so hesitant about leaving?" He asks. I tell him the truth.
"His name is Binh." I say.
"Wait, you have-" he cuts himself off.
"You cheated on Hotch? Damn Emily, that takes balls."
"Yeah, but ever since last night everything's changed. I don't feel the same way about Binh. I was ready to move past third base with him Derek. But now, I'm blindsided by you. You distract me so much. I just don't even know how to deal with it."
"I'm sorry. I can disappear if you want."
"Derek, I only know two things right now. One, I have a date with Binh tonight. And two, I love you." Just as quickly as the words escape my mouth my lips are on his. He gently caresses my neck before meeting my gaze.
"You were ready to marry this guy?" He asks, shocked.
"Just more proof that what I feel for you isn't a lie. It's just a longing, and not one that is going to go away."
"Emily, are you sure you want to do this?" I kiss his neck gently.
"Yeah. I am." Derek is my weakness. My love. My everything. But Binh, he is my guilty pleasure.

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