Chapter 12: You Need Me I Don't Need You

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Chapter 12: You Need Me, I Don't Need You

Emily POV

"Get out." I say calmly. I'm so angry that I don't have the proper words to yell.


"I said get out." I say more sternly.

"Emily, I can do better, I promise." He pleas.

"Aaron, I gave you one shot. And just when I thought you were changing for the better..." I roll my eyes as an angry tear slips from my eye.

"Baby, I am. I have. "

"Aaron, you leave or I will." I say as he stares me in the eye. He doesn't move.

"Fine." I grab my badge and gun and shove them in my purse.

"Emily, don't go." He says as I walk toward him. I walk right into his chest, but without touching him. I raise my head to his for a brief moment and our lips nearly touch. But instead, I walk off down the hallway.

"Emily! Emily!"

I drive away. At the time, I don't know where, and I don't particularily care. I just drive. And I cry. I sob. And I don't know why. I don't realize I'm doing it. And then he calls.

"Hello?" I say with a shaky voice. I wipe the tears from my eyes and try to breathe deeply.

"Emily, are you crying?" He asks. I try to hold back more tears but they fall anyways.

"No." I reply with a sob.

"Baby girl, where are you?" He asks, clearly concerned.

"I don't know." I answer honestly. Just then, the car starts to stutter and I pull to the side of the road as it stops. No more gas.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" He questions.

"I was driving, but now I'm stuck at the side of the road somewhere." I sob.

"Emily, why are you crying?" He asks.

"I don't know Derek! I'm upset, and I'm angry and I'm lost and alone and I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I just keep crying and I can't breathe-" I'm cut off by my desperate choke for air.

"I'm tracking your phone. I will be there soon, baby. Don't worry." I hear a door slam just then, and I realize he's coming to find me.

"Derek..." I say quietly.

"Yes baby girl?" He replies.

"Can you just let me cry?" I ask between sobs.

"Of course. Just let it all out, I'm right here Emily. I'm right here."

I don't know how long I just sob and cry while on the phone with him. But at some point his black pickup truck pulls up beside me and he gets out. He picks me up off of the ground and holds me in his arms. He presses my body against his because he knows that if he lets go, my feet will crumble from underneath of me. My makeup runs down my face and stains his grey shirt along with my tears, but he still holds me. He strokes my hair gently and his warm skin feels nice against mine. A long time goes by before we move. He picks me up and carries me to the passenger side of his truck and buckles me in. I would try to stand, but I know my legs will lake if I try.

I finally stop sobbing and the tears just fall down my face like a stream. Derek drives us back to Quantico and takes me to his house. He carries me inside marriage style and sets me down on his bed where I just try to hold myself together. I've always been good at keeping myself together. But there is always that one night where I just lose it. Tonight, is one of those nights. As I cry, I remind myself that it is a sign of weakness. I am weak for letting water drip from my eyes.

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