Chapter 15: Fallout

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Chapter 15: Fallout

Emily POV

  I hear him calling my name. He knew I'd be here. This was always the place I felt closest to her. Here in the park. I would always watch her as she ran around blowing white dandelion seeds everywhere. I told her that the fluffy white flowers were weeds, but she always seemed to find the beauty in them. She found the beauty in everything. I think about her now, and she is all I have thought about for the past few weeks. Finding her, saving her, protecting her... and now all I seem to do is think about who she once was and the wonderful woman she would have turned into.

   Derek sees me within moments. Moments that I would give up to bring her back. Every moment I have left in my life, I would give to her. He comes and sits beside me on the park bench. A tear rolls down my cheek as my eyes stare into the darkness of night. There is no life behind them, and I don't know that I will ever feel the life in my body again.

   "I'm so sorry." He says. I look him in the eye as I realize he is a painful reminder of what has happened. It's all so fresh in my mind. The memories play back over and over again like a song on repeat, and they torture me.


   "Don't." My voice is shaking as the tears fall down my face. I'm just so angry at the world. Why do things like this happen? How is it that people can take such innocent lives?

  "Emily, you're in shock. Suffering from blood loss-"

   "Don't tell me what I'm suffering from!" I snap at him. He takes my hand and leans in close. A familiar scent of perfume - roses - fills my nose. At first it is a comforting smell. It reminds me of safety, of better times. But as Derek leans in to hug me, my mind begins to process the smell. Perfume - roses - Penelope. I push my hand against his chest and shuffle away quickly.

   "What is that?" I ask as more tears fall down my rosy red cheeks. At this point, I know he already has paramedics on the way because I am in shock, and yes, suffering from severe blood loss. I know that there is only a limited amount of time, and before I know it I will be in a drug induced coma.

   "What are you talking about?"

   "I smell her on your collar..." My heart sinks as my stomach turns. I know that I would throw up if there were anything in my stomach but acid.

   "I have no idea what you're talking about. You're in shock Prentiss. Look, I know this has been a traumatic event-"

  "No! What a traumatic event is, is when you've been held captive with your 4 year old daughter, tortured for so long that you've lost track of what day it is, and then having a man put a gun to your head, but at the last second changing his mind and deciding to kill your daughter! Not to mention that afterwards, I was used as a prostitute and punching bag, just to come home and find out that my boyfriend has been cheating on me with my best friend! That is what a traumatic event is Derek!"

   "Emily I-"

   "Just go." I say calmly, tears falling from my eyes and landing on the wet grass.

"Go!" I yell louder. Suddenly the flashing lights are bright and the paramedics are headed our way. Derek takes one last look at me before meeting the paramedics and bringing them to me.

The man helps me to my feet and practically drags me across the road to the ambulance. He forces me inside, and I am slammed with question after question. I answer them all until the female paramedic asks what happened to me. At that point, I stop talking. The woman looks me over and then looks to her partner.

"Some of these scars look to be weeks old." The man is about to say something but I interrupt.

"That's because they are. I was held captive for weeks with my daughter. We were tortured for most of the time before..."

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