Chapter 18: Wake Up Call

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Chapter 18: Wake Up Call

Reid POV

Today had seemed so unreal. This had become my worst nightmare come to life for yet another time in the past few years. It seems like every woman I come to love has to die. Maybe I am not meant to be loved. Maybe it is just fate that in my game of chess, my beloved Queen was never meant to come. Or maybe I'm just playing my chess game all wrong...


Emily POV

I have Rossi run home and grab me some clothes. I refuse to leave Derek's side. I can't go back to the home we share, the memories we made. Not if he's lying in a hospital bed here.

"How is he?" Rossi asks worriedly.

"The doctors say we just have to wait and see. They'll know more once he wakes up. IF he wakes up." I reply.

"He will Prentiss. He'll wake up, see your smiling face, and you guys will have a long happy life together being Mr. and Mrs. with your thousands of little chocolate babies."

"Thanks Dave. I hope you're right."

"I am." He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back to the office to start his day's work.

The days I spend sitting by Derek's hospital bed are some of the hardest I've endured. The waiting game is one that I hate to play. People, friends, family, and nurses come to check up on me frequently. Some of them are trying to get me to enter a special program here at the hospital for family members of trauma patients. There's no way in hell I'm alright because I'm actually considering it.

"How is he?" Reid asks as he comes into the room. He left for a pee break a little while ago.

"No change." I sigh. "I know he's gonna be okay though. We all are."

"JJ wasn't." His words sound bitter, hurt, harsh, loving, and sad all at the same time. He's a complete wreck without her. I don't know what he's gonna do. I haven't even started the grieving process yet. JJ was my other half. She was the sister I never had, and we told each other everything. I've never been as close to anyone in my entire life as I was to JJ. Losing her feels like my heart is shattering, but I'm holding it together to be strong for Derek. I don't know what I would do if I lost him too.

"I'm going to go get coffee. You want anything?" I ask Reid.

"A hot cup of tea would be nice." He replies. I nod before heading out of the room. I ride the elevator down to the cafeteria and order coffee. I sit down at a table and sip on it slowly. I take out a picture of Sarah and admire it closely. God how I miss her. She'd be 7 years old today. She'd probably be asking me for a pony, and I'd be tempted to get her one. Maybe Aaron would get her a stuffed one instead.

"Who is she?" A voice says from behind me. I turn my head to see Binh. "My daughter." I reply. He takes a seat beside me. "Can I see?" I hand him the old crumpled picture and he admires is completely. "She looks like you." I smile, taking the picture back. "How old is she?" I choke back my tears before answering. "She would be 7 today."

"I'm so sorry. That must have been hard for you." I nod. "It was. The circumstances were complicated, but in a way, I think she's better off in the sky. I wouldn't want her to live her whole life afraid of the monsters under her bed."

"What happened?" He asks innocently. My body goes stiff, and a shiver crawls down my spine. "It doesn't matter. She was only 5 years old and she endured more than any person should ever have to." I fold the picture in my hands and tuck it into my back pocket where it belongs. "Who's her father?" As he asks his question, I begin to chug my scalding hot coffee, doing anything to avoid the question.

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