Chapter 16: You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

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Chapter 16: You have got to be kidding me

Emily POV

about a month or so later


"How's your first day back?" JJ asks. I shrug my shoulders. "It feels like home." We giggle together for a moment before we enter the conference room. 

"Hey Em, can you go get Garcia? She should be here."

"Yeah, no problem." 

I head across the floor quickly. As I approach Garcia's office I notice that she's having a serious conversation with Derek so I decide not to intrude and wait by the door. As I wait I can't help but over hear Penelope freaking out about not knowing how to tell him something. Just as usual Derek is chill about it and just tells her to say it. Garcia takes a deep breath before letting her words out. "Derek I'm pregnant."

You have got to be fucking kidding me. 

Are you fucking serious?

I'm going to kill him.

With 6,000 stab wounds to the jugular.

And the penis.

I cannot fucking believe this.

So I decide to knock on the door like I never heard a damn thing and hurry the two of them along.

Their faces were panicked but I played it cool. When Emily has her sin to win face on, nobody can tell she's lying. I usher them to the conference room and Penelope falls back into her regular pattern of debriefing the case. I completely ignore what Penelope is saying to the team, but I can't help but play her words back in my head. Derek I'm Pregnant. So as if it wasn't bad enough that he cheated on me while I was being held captive, but he got her pregnant too. I cannot believe this has become my life.

"Wheels up in 30." I perk my head up when everyone stands from the table. I witness Derek heading off to Penelope's office and I run home to grab my go-bag. The house still feels empty, even though Sarah never lived here. I always felt such a sense of family and belonging, but now it just feels like a quiet getaway. I search high and low for my go-bag but can't seem to find it. I know I must have left it at the office.

When I arrive back at the office, I grab my go-bag from under my desk and run to the elevator, afraid I'd miss the plane. Just as the elevator doors start to slide closed a familiar voice calls, "Hold the door!" So I do. Then it's just Derek and I conveniently in an elevator together. 

"I'm sorry about everything Emily."

"You've said that a million times Derek. It doesn't change a thing."

"I know I messed up okay? But I want you back in my life. I need you back in my life."

"Derek, I wish I could believe you."

"Why can't you just trust me this once?"

"You got her pregnant Derek..." He looks down, clearly ashamed of himself. 

"I never meant for it to happen. It was one night while you were gone. But none of us thought you were coming out of that coma so... it happened a few more times. But Emily you're here now. You're alive. And I am in love with you. Can't you see that?" He pleads, taking my hands in his.

"Honestly Derek, I wish I couldn't. I see the way you look at me and that's what makes everything all the harder. I'm sorry Derek, but you can't have another chance." The elevator dings and the doors slide open. I slide my hands from his, walk out of the office, and drive to the airport in my car.

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