Chapter 10: Jesse Larkin - EX LOV3 (Really Short Chapter) (Edited)

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Chapter 10: Jesse Larkin - EX LOV3

"Come on, pick up the phone, pick up the phone-"



"Arielle, is that you?"

"I need your help with something Larkin. Can you meet me?"

"Why should I help you? Last time I saw you, you broke my heart and nearly blew my face off."

"Larkin, I'm asking you because you're a friend. Will you help me or not?"

"Will you return the favour? If I ever need something from you, you'll give it to me. No questions asked?"

"No questions asked. Meet me in the park on 4th." I hang up the phone. His words linger in my ears. 'You'll give it to me. No questions asked...'

I make my way to the park quickly. I sit down on the edge of the fountain and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Hours go by before he comes. But when he does, it is unmistakable. His teal coloured hair and sharp green eyes. I could see them from miles away.


"Arielle..." We hold each others gaze for a moment before saying anything more.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming." I say.

"I was considering that myself." He replies with a pale smile.

"You look just as beautiful as I remember." He pushes my hair behind my shoulder, exposing my neck. He goes to kiss me but I am fast to intervene.

"Larkin..." I say, looking down at Sarah.

"You're married? I never thought I'd see the day."

"I'm not. It's complicated. But I didn't come here to make out with you."

"It was worth a shot right? Or was that what you were thinking when you almost killed me?"

"Jesse, I need you. Someone I care about is trying to get out of The Company. He's on your hit list. You almost killed him last night-"

"He ruined our relationship. Sean Hotchner. I'll need to finish him off before The Black Bird finds out he's alive."

"Larkin, I can't have him die. He's important to me. To my family. Is there any way that his name could just get lost on your list. Can you just pretend you don't know he's still alive?"

"That's dangerous Ari. What if he's the reason The Company goes down? I won't be able to save us, any of us from the wrath of The Black Bird. Not him, not his brother, not you, not me, and not your daughter. If this ends badly, we all die. And us, we'll be first on his list."

"Are you saying you'll do it?"

"Arielle, there are few things I wouldn't do for you, Love." He takes my head in both hands and kisses me like he used to all those years ago. And I kiss him back. I must admit, out of all my identities, I think Arielle Clarke is one of my favourites.

"And remember our deal, Love. Don't let me down." With a cold breath and a shiver down my spine, he's gone. Now all that's left to do is tell Sean.

Dirty Little Secrets (Demily fanfic) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now