Chapter 11: Heartbeat

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Chapter 11: Heartbeat

*2 years later*

Emily POV

I awake to his lips on mine. I open my eyes to the smell of his skin and smile.

"Good morning beautiful." He says. I feel the scruff on his jaw line and let my smile stick.

"My god I love waking up to your face every morning." I tell him.

"Likewise." He wraps his arms around my back and pulls me close. My heart skips a beat and I feel a shiver down my spine. I press my hands to his chest and breathe in his warmth.

"Emily, JJ just called. We've got a case in Boston." I let out a sigh before crawling out from under the bed sheets. I jump into the shower before the water even has time to heat up. 5 minutes later I step out, throw my hair into a ponytail and meet Aaron downstairs.

As I enter the kitchen, Aaron is feeding Sarah with one hand, looking over the case with his other, and he has the phone pressed between his ear and shoulder. Probably talking to Gabby, Sarah's nanny.

I quickly relieve him of his child - feeding duties and he walks off into the living room still babbling on the phone. I watch Aaron from the kitchen carefully. Suddenly, Sarah knocks the spoon out of my hand and a bunch of cheerios go flying. When I turn my head to her, she opens her mouth demandingly.

"Sorry sweetie, Mommy's just distracted. Do you want your special spoon with the shapes on it?" She nods before begging me to grab it with her high pitched voice. I bring it to her and ask her what some of the shapes are. Seeing as I'm not home as often as I'd like to be, I take what time I can get to help her learn.

Minutes later, there is a knock at the door. Aaron let's her in, and as soon as Sarah sees her, her eyes light up.

"Gabby! Gabby!" She yells. I watch as Gabby's face lights up too. The two of them love to spend time together.

"Jack is still in bed, make sure he's up by 7 or-"

"He'll miss the bus. I know Emily, you've told me a million times. I'm fine, go. There are whack jobs out there who need to get locked up." I smile thankfully.

"Alright have fun with Gabby. Mommy will be home as soon as she can. I love you Sarah." I say as I kiss her on the forehead.

"I love you Mommy." She replies. I rush out to the SUV and Aaron takes off immidiately.

The ride is quiet for a few minutes, until he finally speaks up.

"How's Sarah?" He asks.

"You didn't even say goodbye to her this morning Aaron."

"I meant to. I just never got around to it."

"You never got around to it? Aaron, she's your daughter. You should always have time for her. She should be the most important thing in your life. Right there with your son, who by the way, thinks you're ignoring him. Do you even send him a text once in a while? Just to let him know you're alive?

"Emily don't tell me what to do."

"I'm just saying it feels like you're missing your kids grow up. We're never home, you never call, skype, text, or even try to check in on them. If I don't hear from Gabby every 3 hours I start to get all itchy and freaked out. But it doesn't even seem to faze you."

"We have a demanding job Emily. We both knew that raising kids would be difficult. That's why we agreed not to have any."

"Well we do Aaron. And your kids miss their father."

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