"Jasmine you look beautiful," Pansy squealed.

"Thank you Pans, but you look beautiful too,"

"I can't believe that we actually finished school. Now my parents want me to hurry up and settle down. I can't believe them," Pansy complained causing Jasmine to laugh. "Hey, it's not funny. Your lucky that your parents aren't trying to make you get married," she said jokingly hitting her best friend.

"I know I know. I got very lucky. Especially since I have such an amazing best friend like you,"

"Exactly. Now let's her before Draco starts to whine," Jasmine and Pansy then left the room and went to join the rest of the party downstairs. Even though she had a rough previous life it was all worth it. Her parents were alive and loved her dearly, she had all of her friends back, and Tom was now an old man who worked in the ministry. He was of course younger than Dumbledore, but he had helped a lot with changing how people view muggles. They saw muggles as a way to keep the wizard life going. After awhile Jasmine left pansy's side to great everyone her came to congratulate her.

"Jasmine dear," She heard Cissy say.

"Aunt Cissy, aunt Bella, and uncle Lucy, how are you guys doing?" She asked politely.

"Your still as lovely as ever dear. We're all doing well. Congratulations, do you know what you want to do now that you're all done with Hogwarts?" Bellatrix asked.

"Not yet. There's a couple areas I'm curious about, but I'm not positive just yet,"

"You could always join me in the ministry like Draco," Lucius told her.

"I think I'll just get bored there uncle. I wanna do something fun and active,"

"Well if you would ever want to, I would gladly take you in. Such a brilliant mind, I'd prefer you over Draco," He said to her causing all of them to laugh. After talking for a bit more she left them until someone tapped her shoulder.

"Congratulations young Potter," the voice had said.

"Thank you sir, but what is your name?" She asked him.

"Tom Riddle,"

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Riddle. Thank you for showing up to my graduation party," she said to him.

"Why of course. I had to see the brilliant young Potter. Do you know what your doing now that you finished? I would love for you to join me in my research,"

"Not yet, I have a lot of offers from everywhere so I just wanna take some time and thank about it. Thank you for your kind offer," She said to him.

"Jas, there you are,"

"Hello, young Malfoy. How are you?" Tom asked.

"I'm quite well thank you for asking Mr. Riddle. But if you'll excuse me I'll like to take Jasmine from you for a bit," Draco said to him.

"Why of course, we were just finishing up,"

"Thank you," Draco responded and then dragged Jasmine off.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You'll see," he told her.

"Close your eyes," Jasmine told Draco.

"Why?" He asked.

"Just do it," and with that Jasmine pressed her lips against Draco's kissing him ever so softly.

"I love you," She told him as she pulled away causing Draco to blush in shock. "What cat got your tongue drakey?" They then both bursted into laughter and looked at one another.

"I love you too," He said back. The two of them just sat down and continued to talk for awhile and snog a little bit.

"How long did you know you loved me?" Draco asked her causing Jasmine to think. She wanted to say that she loved him for years. Ever since her fourth year of Hogwarts from when she was Lily instead. She didn't know it back then, but even when she went to the past and became Ivy, she loved him and only him. She then continued to wait for him when they were in Hogwarts because she wasn't sure he felt the same.

"Since I first met you," She answered.

"Love at first sight? I know I'm good looking and all Jas, but wow you fell in love with me on the spot," They both then started to laugh.

"So are you going to tell my dad or am I? Because you'll never be allowed in my room again," Jasmine told him. "He might even want to duel you,"

"I forgot about that,"

"Oh and don't forget my uncle. My little brother will want a piece of the action too,"

"Oh bloody hell," He mumbled. "Harry is going to call me a traitor and won't ever leave me alone," Harry was Jasmine's little brother who had been born during her second year of Hogwarts. He was the cutest thing ever. While Lily had her mother's eyes and fathers hair color, Harry was the opposite. He had bright red hair and brown eyes.

After awhile the two of them joined the party again. Jasmine was honestly happy. She had her mother, father, and even a little brother now. Remus married Tonks and they had Teddy. Her godfather, Sirius, even settled down and got married. Pansy was with Blaise. Ginny ended up with Luna. Ron and Hermione were together.

Even Tom was doing great. He was single, but at least he wasn't evil and was trying to kill everyone. It all worked out. She was finally free from a stupid prophecy.

Thank you everyone for supporting me and reading my books.

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