Chapter 12; Big Plans

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Destiny woke up and looked around, she was confused as she looked at the iv in her right arm and she looked around, but nobody was around.

Destiny ripped the iv out of her arm with a painful whimper, Destiny's vision was blurred and she couldn't look right, but she found the door and opened it. This was the main hallway, Destiny remembered this place. Destiny walked into Kid's office, Kid had to take a double take as he got up off his seat in a flash and held onto Destiny's shoulders.

"Destiny!? What the fuck are you doing?!" Kid yelled at her

"Please." Destiny interrupted Kid.

"I need to go find Killer, please, please. I'm fine just let me go leave and find him."

Kid stared at Destiny's deep red eyes and thought for a moment.

"Alright, but I'm sending you with my strongest three, you four will leave tomorrow morning." Kid stepped away from you and went to his desk and pressed a button, shortly after Law came in and grabbed Destiny's shoulders.

"Come please, you must rest." Law belowed in a deep tired voice as Destiny looked over at him and smiled.

"Yes your right, sorry." Destiny chuckled and headed back to Law's infirmary room.

Law looked back at Kid and sighed.

"She's so like you, stubborn and ready to die for stupid reasons. Law smirked as Kid shook his head and looked out his giant office window.

"We are nothing alike..." Kid whispered to himself as Law left the room.

HOLY SHIT!!!!!! ITS BEEN WAAAAAAYYYYY TO LONG!!!!  I hope you can all forgive me for being away thing long! I'm back on to editing this and I hope you all enjoy this story. I would like all my readers to comment if you want me to continue! Thank you so much and I'm sorry for the super short chapter, there are long ones to come, don't worry minna c:.


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