Chapter 8; One cold night

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Destiny's heart was racing looking at the blond man. She looked into his deep brown eyes, his mouth was moving, yet she heard no words come out. She only heard killer's voice yelling. She heard Law's, Drake's, Nami's, and Luffy's. They all screamed, they were all in danger, Destiny was horrified, she didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Destiny's shoulder from behind. Destiny thought it was Sabo, she focused her eyes to see Sabo looking in shock to something behind Destiny. The hand belonged to a man, yet it was soft. Destiny ripped the hand off her shoulder and whipped around to only be stopped by the man's hand. Destiny looked at the man's face. It was Kid. She didn't know what to do, all she could do was start to tear up.

"Destiny. I never should have done this. I'm so sorry." Kid said with a straight face looking down.

Destiny fell to the ground as people from the mafia rushed into the building,  it had spotlight's on it so they could see clearly. They were calling the four members names out to hear for responses, nothing came.

An hour later the long nosed man came up to Kid and Destiny, who was still in shock.

"I'm sorry sir but we think they are-"

"WE'RE HERE!!" Luffy's voice screamed out interrupting long nose.

Everyone's heads turned to see Killer, Drake, Law, Nami and Luffy who was carrying a black thing. They were all bloody and beatin up.

"Killer!!" Destiny screamed as she ran as fast as she could into Killer's arms. They hugged tightly as Destiny and Killer both cried.

"I-I thought you were dead." Destiny stuttered shacking in Killer's arms.

Killer smiled as his tears fell.

"And leave you? No way." Killer said hugging her tightly.

Drake and Nami smiled at the sight of the two together, Law walked over to Luffy who was looking a little confused at the two.

"Is he tidied up tightly?" Law asked looking at the black thing.

"Yosh!  The tightest! He's not going anywhere! " Luffy said slapping the back of the thing making it jerk.

Sabo walked over to the two.

"Commander Sabo, good to see you." Law said looking and Sabo who was looking at Luffy.

"What have you boy's got there? " Sabo asked looking at the black thing with more suspicion.

"This is the Crawler, Sabo! We found him!" Luffy said as he smiled with triumph.

Law looked at him with a blank face, Sabo's sweat dropped.

"His powers are odd." Law began looking at Sabo.

"The Crawler can make the thing that you fear most, happen. It seems like Destiny's fear was the strongest, so he used that to his advantage. It looks like her fear was losing people she cares about." Law said looking over at Killer and Destiny who had stopped hugging and had started talking to Kid.

"I see." Sabo said smiling

" And Commander Killer means the most to her. That's why he was saved for last, we can obviously tell."

***3 hours later***

Destiny, Law, Drake, Nami, Killer,Luffy, Kid and Sabo all sat in subway car laughing and talking about how they first got into the mafia business. Since nobody was on the subway at 3:00 in the morning they decided to talk. Destiny was surprised at some of there stories.

Law got in because he knew Kid when they were younger and Kid thought he would be good for the job of personal body guard.

Drake was in the police force and he got kidnapped and they spared his life so he could work for them.

Nami was only in it for the money. This made everyone laugh( besides Law, he is a party pooper.... .-.)

Killer and Kid grew up together so he always stuck around Kid, when the time came for Kid to go into the Mafia, Killer followed him.

Luffy got in with Sabo and his other brother named Ace, They all joined freely and out of the seance of adventure.

Kid was only 17 when he inherited his ancestors mafia business, It had been going for generations and it never stopped.

"So what about this family gem you want me to find?" Destiny asked Kid with a fading grin.

Kid laid back as his grin faded along with everyone else's in the cart. It became silent as Kid sighed.

"The gem allows you the power to use other peoples devil fruit's." Kid said looking over at Destiny.

"The reason you have diamond fruit powers is because you had the stone when you were little you meet with Jozu of the Whitbeard division. You got his powers and that was the last time the stone was know to the world." Kid finished while Destiny sat there wide eyed.

"We thought it was just a similarity, but the clues are all to clear now."

"And how can I find it?" Destiny asked sounding a little angry.

"The last person to use it has a special bond with it, at moments it will sound like somebody is calling out for you, That's the stone." Kid continued to ramble on about it sounding serious.

They reached the stop, got off and started walking to the hide out. They all got to there rooms as Killer meet with Kid about something.

Killer walked to Kid's office and sat down in a seat in front of his brown, wooden desk.

"Killer." Kid said, grasping the man's attention.

"Killer I know ever since Destiny came, I've been making you follow her around like a dog. Even though your my personal assistant and Killer..."

"Yes Kid?" Killer asked calmly looking at his boss.

"I want you to continue to be her partner. " Kid said looking away.

"Yes sir." Killer said still calm but inside he was jumping for joy.

Killer was dismissed from the office and walked to the door.

"And Killer..." Kid said scaring Killer a bit.


"No PDA..."

The words hit him like a ton of bricks. Killer blushed very badly and Kid smiled at him.

"Yes, K-K-Kid..." Killer had trouble saying his name as he closed the door behind him.

Ok guys! I'm back and active! ah the school year is almost over. where did the time go, I'm gonna be a freshmen next year, I'm horrified of high school Dx anywho, I'm making a high school fanfiction next about GTA 5, if anyone is interested,  it's gonna be bloody, swear words, and violence from now on! don't worry, I'll still update this story too. (p.s PDA means no public display of affection)

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