Chapter 4; deadly nova boss

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Destiny and Bonney ran down the hall they came from.Destiny tried to keep up with Bonney but she was going very fast, Destiny caught up to Bonney to try to see her expression, Bonney had a determined look on her face.

Suddenly Apoo came out of a doorway and started to run along with us at a fast pace.

"apapapa! So it's not only me!" Apoo told us and then looked at Destiny.

When the three finally got to a golden door they all stopped and huffed for a breath. When they caught there breaths Apoo opened the door to show a large round table with 9 people sitting at it.

The one one the end was Captain Kid, to his left was Killer and beside him was a short man with a cigar, the man next to him was extremely large and had a large smile on his face, The man next to him was playing with a deck of cards and looked very calm,after him was a man eating meat and had a large smile on his face much like the man a seat away from him. After him was Law then after the odd man there was a man with an X on his cheek and then after him was a green haired man. Destiny looked for a second and spotted three seats that she assumed her Bonney and Apoo must sit in.

Bonney looked at Destiny and motioned her over to the seats and the three head over to their seats. Apoo sat next to the green haired man, then Bonney and then Destiny.

"Now Reddy why did you call us?" the man eating meat asked Kid as he took another bite out of his meat.

"Don't call me that f**k tard!" Captain Kid yelled to the boy who just seemed to smile at his anger.

"Now before we begin, we have a new nova boss, Eustass Destiny. " Captain Kid said as he looked at me followed by all the other eyes in the room.




"Monkey D Luffy!"

"Rornoa Zoro"

"X Drake"

All the men introduced themselves and after they all turned to Captain Kid.

"Eustass?  so are you two somehow related?" Hawkins questioned the Red haired man.

"That is why I have called this meeting.As you all know the magma gem has gone missing for a number of years now.And we have been searching ever since my sister died with it. And my young niece here can help is recover it with her skills." Captain Kid said glancing over to Law.

"help? she is a child is she not?" Bege told Kid sucking in his smoke.

"You may think that but she has special a ability thanks to her devil fruit she ate."Bonney said giving Bege and evil eye, He looked bacj at her the same.

"Quite,  She ate the Dai-dai fruit. Giving her the ability to make diamonds out of nothing, almost like a member of the Whitebeard crew named Jozu. Yet her powers..she makes diamonds out of air..and she seance diamonds depending on there density."Killer told everyone looking at a folder all about Destiny.

"If I may, how do you know all of this?" Destiny asked shyly.

"We have been following your every move and we have people watch you 24/7. We always have." Law said as he laid back in his chair and put his arms behind his head

Destiny trembled at his answer feeling small and exposed.

"Now that you are with us, you have an important assignment Destiny." Captain Kid announced as he straighten his back.

"Bonney, you are to train Destiny in combat. Hawkins you are to teach Destiny abilities such as shade, finger pistol etc. Apoo teach Destiny about defence. Urouge, Bege, teach Destiny about her enemies and there weak spots. Drack work with Bonney in teaching Bonney to keep her powers in control. Luffy and Zoro teach her how to act around here and other places, almost as a disguise. Law teach Destiny basic medical treatment. Killer, Im giving you the most important job of all, you are to be her partner, help each other with your jobs you at assigned." Captain Kid finished and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Meeting adjourned." Captain Kid said as he got up and everyone did the same.

"Come Destiny,  I'll show you your room." Bonney said with a smile that comforted Destiny after being so stressed.

After Bonney showed Destiny her room, she had left to do some work. Destiny plopped down on her bed and started to cry.

"I can't do this.."Destiny whispered as she continued to cry.

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