Chapter 5; We put the 'fun' in funeral

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Sarah:Oi minna, I know this story is a wicket bring down but fear not young reader! I will make it funny cuz im a funny person! right guys?

Drake:um yeah...

Killer:ahaha um sure!

Law:I'm staying out of this....

Sarah:....enjoy the story everyone!  T.T

Destiny woke up feeling odd but warm.She looked up to see Killer looking back at her.Destiny didn't know what to do, so she stuck her head in Killers chest.Killers sweat dropped.

"That won't help with the situation..." He told Destiny as he tilted her head up slowly and carefully almost as if she was porcine.

"Master Killer, I'm so sorry!"Destiny cried to him as Killer looked nervous at her.

"We are partner's Destiny,  we live together now all the other partner's do the same thing. Since you came unexpected there was only one bed in our room."Killer said blushing a little bit

Destiny decided to get up but to her surprise, she was in nothing but her bra and panties, she quickly slammed back down on  Killer's chest causing him to let out a hurt grone.

Destiny then remembered that she undressed and then went to bed. How stupid was she! this was the most embarrassing moment of her life.

"ok ok, I'll cover my eyes. Just get dressed and let's do our mission." Killer said as he covered his eyes.

"mission?"Destiny asked as she got her clothes on quickly.

"Yes, you see I am going to be disguised as paul bearers at a funeral for a young man who is believed to be murdered by a person who is working for the Flamingo Empire. Me, Law, Drake and Luffy will carry the casket yo the grave. You and Nami will be in the croud looking for someone suspicious." Killer told Destiny as she gave him to ok to open.

"Nami?" The name sent shivers down her spin remembering the torture.

****At the funeral****

"Destiny, tell me if you see anyone odd or something out of place." Nami whispered to Destiny.

It was as if Nami forgot all about how she hurt Destiny a few days ago. Nami seemed really sweet and nice, maybe it was all for show? Just an act to make her drop her guard and when she dose..

Destiny's train of thought was interrupted by a man in a black suit and white hair.

"beloved friends and family. We are here to see the departure of a man who was loved by all and respected as well..." the man said as he seemed to go on and on.

After an hour of the mans senseless talking about a person none of them knew, Destiny saw the four men. Luffy, Law, Drake and Killer all wore black dress suits with red ties, Destiny smiled at Killer and he looked back and gave her a smile as well, the men all bent down to grab onto the casket and when they got a good grip on it them put it up to there shoulders. Music started to play as the men carried the dead man to the shot where he is to be put in, suddenly Destiny heard the four men start to fight with words.

"Luffy, are you holding on to the casket? "Law asked looking angry but keeping his cool

"There is a dead body in there! I'm not holding onto this thing!" Luffy whispered back to him

"No wonder my side is so heavy! Luffy grab your side!" Drake said a little louder then Luffy

Suddenly Luffy took a step to fast and stepped on the back of Killers foot.

"ah! Luffy!" Killer yelled losing his balance.

Destiny could not be live her eyes. Killer tripped as Law tried to help him but they both fell in the hole where the casket was supposed to go. The casket was to heavy for Drake to hold and as Luffy laughed at what had justed happened he tipped the casket over. For his own safety Drake had to dodge and he jumped in the hole where Killer and Law where in. Luffy was dying of laughter as Destiny and Nami ran over to the hole as Destiny tripped and held onto Nami and they both fell in the hole as well.

"What are you guys doing? we gotta go! cover has been blown!" Luffy said wipping a tear from his eye

"LUFFY!!!" everyone in the hole yelled in unison.

Nami got up and pulled Luffy into the hole making things worse.

"You must be out of your mind you crappy head!!!" Nami screamed at Luffy as people from the funeral came over to see if we where hurt.

"Maybe we should try to gather evidence another way..." Destiny said looking at Killer seeing that he and everyone else was covered in mud and dirt.

"Yeah, now let's get out of here." Killer said looking back at Destiny grinning 

okie guys hope you like this chapter c: I know I did cuz its really really funny! :D don't forget to vote! -Sarah ♡♡

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