Chapter 10: Black and Blue Gilly?

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  Hey guys I'm back! *smiles and waves to mob of readers with pitchforks and torches* Sorry I have been getting ready for college and now I'm in my dorm resting for a LONG day -_- begin 14 and in college has it's toles! Ok so if you guys are clueless This Mafia place is kind of like a college on the outskirts of a big city. You can picture different buildings for different research.

Please enjoy!♡♡

  Destiny woke up all fuzzy and warm, her vision was blurry and she could not see straight, she fixed her vision to see a girl with big round eyes looking at her. With a quick shreik, Destiny fell off the bed while the girl watched her with a poker face. Destiny fixed her eyes and saw that she was floating above Destiny's resting place, the girl had long pink hair and a top hat. She looked at Destiny with dissaproval.

"How is Law-sama going to work with this?" She moaned and floaded over to the fallen girl.

Destiny felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, she held it and let out a cry of pain.

"Hey, hey easy!" The pink haired girl yelled as she moved her hands as if controlling something to pick Destiny up, and that is just what she did.

"wa- who are you? why are you here?" Destiny asked the girl as her minion ghosts placed her on her bed.

"That's no way to speak to someone above you! anyway I'm Perona and I'm here to take you to Law for medical practice! And your late for it!" The pink haired girl complained in a little girls voice making her sound cute yet a little anoyying.

"OK,OK. tell Law I will be there soon I have to get dressed and eat first." Destiny said looking through her dresser for training clothes.

"OK fine. oh by the way!" Perona grabbed Destiny's attention. "Your partner Killer left early this morning for an S-class mission."

Destiny's heart sang remembering the kiss they shared last night. She could not help but give a grin from ear to ear that Perona seemed to notice, Perona gave her an evil smile.

"I know romance better the. anyone.. Your thinking about a boy arn't you..." Perona had a purple aura around her as Destiny had sweat dripping down her face and smiled innocently shacking her hands in front of her.

"um, hahaha no-no-no that's not it at all!!" Destiny tried to hide it, yet it was no use. Perona pulled out a snail that looked strangely like her. She put her mouth up to it.

"Hello?" Law's emotionless voice cane out of it.

" She is awake. Shall I bring her down for training?" Perona spoke in a serious tone,  much different from how she was talking earlier.

"Yes." With that Law hung up and Perona grabbed Destiny's hand started to get her out the door, Destiny stopped her telling her that she needed to get dressed first and ran back into her room as Perona waited outside her living room. Destiny came out with pink shorts, black combat boots and a yellow shirt. Before she knew it Perona whipped her out of the room, down the hall into the next building that had the training room in it. Destiny walked in to see Law with Luffy and a woman.

"What were you doing speeding away from a crime scene, doing 67 in a 25 zone? people will think we committed the crime." Law said in an angry tone as he glared down on Luffy.

"I was uhhh.... Drag racing!" Luffy said with little thought.

"Drag racing?" The women questioned looking slightly amused. Luffy shook his head up and down in agreement.

"In a Prius?" Law asked blankly

"...... I don't win much..."

"Get out Luffy..." Law finally commanded as Luffy turned around to meet Destiny and Perona he smiled,  Law and the woman also finally noticed you.

"Destiny! " Luffy yelled as he hugged you tightly.

"Hi Luffy!" Destiny smiled as Luffy let go and looked back at Law.

"Law told me he is gonna train you today! don't worry you'll do awesome!   Good luck!" Luffy yelled as he ran out, Destiny turned her attention to Law.

"Destiny this is Nico Robin, she was just leaving. " Law said as the woman stepped forward.

"Hello, you may call me Robin,  I'm head of the History department, but I was just leaving, see you around." Robin shook Destiny's hand as they both felt a small tingle but didn't want to say anything. Robin spoke in a soft voice that made Destiny calm, she smiled at Destiny she left for the door, Destiny looked over to Perona, but found her gone. She looked around quickly for her but saw her nowhere, Destiny turned back to Law.

"Are you ready?" Law asked as he gave her a small smirk, that was enough to kill a woman.

"Yes, can we go?"

"Of course." He answered back quickly as he started to walk, Destiny followed not far behind.

The two got to a large building and began as soon as they got in. Law taught her simple medical drugs and how to fix a scrape. He also taught Destiny CPR and how to read someone's blood pressure. Law showed her how to stich up a large gash that needed patching. Destiny was giving a small bag with all the supplies she used in training. Law told her the day was over and sat on his desk and started typing on his computer. As Destiny walked out she was peaceful and calm, she walked along out if the medical building and into the main area where she saw not one soul.

"Not so fast!!" A voice yelled and Destiny felt a sharp pain in her back. She yelled in agony as she fell to the ground. Destiny looked up to see a man with blue hair, a brown jacket and a Speedo.


"Mhmhmhm. My name is Blue Gilly. And those are the last words you will ever hear" The man said as he kicked Destiny hard in the face.

"Why is nobody coming to help me? I am in a public place. Can't everyone see this?" Destiny thought tp herself as she let her guard down and got kicked again in the eye.

"That's enough!!" Destiny yelled as she looked at Blue Gilly, her face had fire in it and it showed in her eyes. The strange words rolled out of her mouth, she had no idea what she was saying.

"ses flua!" As Destiny spoke this two arms appeared on Gilly's chest and two on his back. The two on his back held his head back as the other two in from supported them.

" Clutch!" Destiny heard his bones crack as he feel to the ground. Dead. Destiny stumbled back and fell and looked at her hands.

"How did I? Robin... It was Robins devil fruit. That was the spark I felt when we shook hands! I gotta find Kid and tell him!" Destiny rushed off to find someone who could help her. She found Kid talking with Drake.

"Guys! You have to come quickly! please!" At her words both men rushed to her as Killer ran on Drake went to Destiny.

"Destiny?! are you ok? why are you crying?" Drake's words hit her hard Destiny felt her cheeks, they were wet. Destiny looked at Drake.

" I killed someone... " Destiny could not help the tears fall down her face as Drake looked at her her in shock and hugged her tightly,  Destiny hugged back, with Killer gone on a mission Drake seemed to fill the empty hole that he left in her heart, did Destiny like Drake? No she likes Killer, They shared a kiss? Dose that not mean anything? Destiny was confused about this as Drake let her go when he was called by Kid. Most people ran out to find a croud around Kid and Gilly, Nami and Robin found Destiny crying on the ground, the two rushed over to her to comfort her and hug her tightly telling her everything would be 'ok'. Destiny knew deep in her that it wouldn't.

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