***Special Chapter***Part 1

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Cześé everyone! this is a summer special about Destiny, Killer, Law, Kid, Bonney, Sabo, Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Drake together on summer island c: It's getting so hot up (or down depending on where the reader lives) here, it's insane! So I wanted to get into the spirit and do a summer special so   

cieszyć, moich czytelników lojalnych

(enjoy my loyal readers)


mają ładne lato

(have a nice summer) :)

Destiny was having a lazy day, not just her, but everyone at the base. Nobody was doing anything in the main lobby. Destiny was on the couch with Luffy, Drake and Usopp (a man she had just meet yet was comfortable with), Bonney and Law where playing chess acrost the other side of the room and Kid and Killer were discussing a raid on a armory for guns and other weapons.

Suddenly Nami barged in as all eye's feel to her. Nami looked so happy as if she had just got 20 million beli.

"You guys!! I have something that everyone will love!!" Nami said looking at everyone one by one.

"Candy?" Destiny asked

"Meat?" Luffy asked

"Loyal followers?" Usopp asked

"A new mission?" Drake asked

"Medical book?" Law asked

"Pizza?" Bonney asked

"new blades?" Killer asked

"Somebody to kill?" Kid asked

As the questions kept going Nami only got more and more irritated. She counted to ten and took deep breaths before she continued in her happy tone.

Sarah: wszystkie są głupie T-T

(They are all stupid)

"No you fools! I have tickets for..... A SUMMER SPA ISLAND!!!"Nami yelled in a extravagant tone as she raised her hands up to the heavens.

Everyone looked at her blankly for a second or two, then continued to do as they did before she came in. A tick appeared in Nami's head as she saw their reactions.

"Oh come on! It's a spa it's relaxing for the mind, soul and body!" Nami said with disappointment.

"It's stupid is what it is! I'm not letting you people go off on a vacation spa shit thing as there is work to be done!" Kid yelled to Nami, she was not scared of his yelled though, not even a little.

An evil looked came across Nami's face."What about mandatory vacation Big Red-sama? " Nami said evily as Kid looked at her in shock.

Kid was silent as she went on. Everyone was now looking at her with a questioned look as she pulled out a small purple book out of her back pocket.

"As! it says in your little handbook your fathers father made! This was at first not a mafia. It was a bounty hunter business!  and like any other business we have mandatory vacations Kid!"

Kid face palmed as everyone looked at Nami with a smile. All eyes turned to Kid for a response, Suddenly Commander Sabo walked in.

"Hello everyone,  how is you guy's day going?" Sabo asked as he sat next to Drake on the couch.

"We are all going on a vacation...." Kid finally said, this made Nami giggle and hug Destiny in joy, Destiny was as well happy for a relaxing spa day by the ocean.

"Everyone get your stuff ready, you to Sabo, You got into this mess when you walked in!" Kid pointed to Sabo as he let out small steam.

"Great... and here I was thinking I could spend my day on base..." Sabo said as everyone rushed to thier rooms to get thier stuff.

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