Chapter 18• This isnt Hogwarts

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It took another 20 minutes to arrive at our destination. Near the edge of the city, we arrived at a clump of small stone houses, all one story. The thick, humid jungle devoured the land behind the houses. From a distance, no, very close the music continued, loud and wild. But there was much less people. Few sitting on their front porches, drinking, smoking, laughing.

A dirt road ran in front of the houses, to which we continued to walk down. A stray dog barked at us and continued down the wide pathway, a drunk man following. "So Greed, who are we getting this from exactly?" I ask, still following him as he paces somewhat ahead of us.

"Oh...Y'know...a friend" I cant see it but I know he's grinning. God damn trifling son of a bitch. I can see his jokes from a mile away.

"Greed, I'm reallyyyy not in the mood for robbing people this time. I mean, last time we were picking up something from a 'friend' we robbed motherfucking Area 51" I bite out, rolling my eyes as I reflect back to that odd spring day. We didn't even get what we wanted, but we did release like 40 different outer world species.

"I promise this isn't like that, trust me I want to get back to Carnival just as much as you both do. No fucking around this time, pinky promise" we both leave his comment as the end to that conversation. We continue down the dirt road another ten or so minutes, my head down the whole time as I ponder the details of rather unnecessary things that pertain nothing to this matter and rather others. Better to distract myself as we gain into another unknown situation. Most of which result in our more stranger tales as a trio.

Most of those things is why my brother never takes me serious. Which is why my only duty is essentially picking up astray demons. It's not my fault I don't have a stick so far up my ass like he does, I mean, sure I can admit when I do some stupid shit with Eros and Greed. But those few moments enables him to constantly shoot down anything I have to say or do, pretty fucking annoying.

But then again, him and all of our siblings are all some fucked up assholes for the most part. So who am I to completely judge? Either way, fuck my dad.

"We're here motherfuckers" Greeds aggressive alert rips me from my thoughts and back into the hot and colorful reality at my feet. I lift my head to see nothing but an old, half-torn down house. White paint peels on the outside, curling up at the edges, revealing sandy stone underneath. The windows are empty squares, jagged glass at the edges sticking out, with small wooden boards lazily crisscrossing at each corner. Like someone had left it their, victim to the exposure of abandonment.

"Greed, what the actual FUCK!" Eros yells almost as simultaneously as I think it, except his thoughts almost always convert into loud screams.

"God will you shut up man! follow me" Greed grumbles as he takes his long black hair from his braid, carelessly pinning it up into a bun. He flicks his head back, green eyes glinting in the sun, as his lips turn upwards to reveal white teeth, two sharp fangs poking out as something mischievous, something secretly laughing in our faces is hidden in his eyes, swimming in forbidden delight.

"You guys are gonna shit your pants" he giggles like a lovestruck child, before turning back around and walking further towards the house. I turn to Eros to find him rolling his eyes, pushing his purple and black hair out of his face, "Shall we love?" He asks, staring ahead.

"Sure, but if this fucker gets us stuck on the moon again I'm killing him" I say loud enough for him to hear, before following after him.

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