Chapter Sixteen: Deception, Blood, and False Truths

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The sounds of a pendulum rocking back and forth within the confines of an old grandfather clock was accompanied by the sounds of the subtle tapping of a pen against a desk that were the only sounds that disturbed the dead silence of the room. Two people sat across from one another at the desk closest to the window, one wore an angry expression on their face whilst the other torn up and wrapped in bandages sat there with misery plastered all over their face followed by a sense of dread for what was to come....

"Well operative, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Olga spoke up breaking the silence that had shadowed over the room for the past ten minutes. I had sat there silently for the entirety of the time as I thought of what I was going to say as the Director stared angrily at me. This was not how I had intended things to go when I got back to Chaldea. I had planned on heading to Andersen's office as soon as we had touched down and if things went smoothly with Andersen and I got him on my side then I was going to head down to the Director's office with Andersen where we would give the Debrief I had prepared for Olga. However, all of those plans had come crashing down with our landing in Chaldea's courtyard. The debriefing had been thrusted upon me ahead of schedule due to none other than the Director herself...

Fifteen minutes earlier...

I winced as antibiotics were applied to the cuts and bruises on my face by one of the nurses under Doctor Roman. Behind me the same was being done to Scathach and Mashu on the other beds by other nurses. We had been relocated to the medical wing of Chaldea after having been rescued from the wreckage of the crashed VTOL. So far it had seemed like we had walked away with minor injuries, mainly cuts and bruises along with black and blue marks everywhere. The nurse had proceeded to clean and disinfect my cuts before she began to apply bandages. My wrist had also gotten torn up in the crash landing along with other various places, but those had been taken care beforehand and now the nurse was working on my face. All the while Roman stood over the nurse taking care of me as his gaze was looking down at the tablet in his hands. I could keep my gaze forward and continue to wince as the antibiotics were applied to my cuts before the bandages followed.

 I could keep my gaze forward and continue to wince as the antibiotics were applied to my cuts before the bandages followed

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"Your reactions are always the same Chris, no matter how many times you go through this process." Roman said as he looked up from his tablet.

"Just because I've gone through this process multiple times, doesn't make it any more enjoyable." I said, letting out a grunt in my response.

"Mm well perhaps you should take that into consideration the next time you decide to crash land a 26 Ton helicopter into Chaldea's courtyard." Roman said.

"It wasn't intentional." I murmured.

"I'm sure it wasn't." Roman said as he looked down at his tablet and tapped at it. "You should be lucky I don't have to pull glass shards out of you." Roman added.

"Should I really consider myself lucky all things considered?" I asked as the Nurse finished applying my bandages. I looked up at Roman who in return kept his eyes down in his tablet.

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