Chapter 20

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July 26th 2020, 13 o'clock, GMT + 7, Southeast Asia time zone.

"You think you can get away from me so easily?" Phingphing was furious as she saw Way and Kim hanging out together.

So Phingphing decided to make initiate a new Garden Rush by introducing a character named Miguel Wellington also known as the supervillain Captain Bluebeard. Miguel Wellington was an American gentleman with grey hair and a tall physique who lived in 2014. He was the nephew of Mike Wellington who served the US Army since the 1980s and earned the title of Captain. Miguel was both a homophobe and a misogynist, his most notorious crime was that he murdered his seven wives after seven marriages before recreating them as docile robot clones of their previous identities. As Miguel Wellington, Miguel was well-mannered and gentlemanly. But when he switched into the alter ego of Captain Bluebeard, he was a psychopathic control freak with a pointed nose and a grinning mouth on a zombie-like face adorned with bloody scars as well as a massive blue beard which could split into a wriggling mass of tentacles capable of draining lifeforce of his preys and close combat. Captain Bluebeard's costume was a mask and a battle suit cloned from Captain America's outfit, except that the mask helmet was fashioned into a 18th-century pirate hat and his battle suit was adorned with cybernetic attachments. Captain Bluebeard carried a sharp sword and a big shield aside from two laser blasters. More than that, Miguel Wellington had a squadron of robots entirely identical to his murdered wives, all of them were called Stepford Ladies' Association of Bluebeard. Aside from acting like typical Stepford wives (a submissive and docile wife who seems to conform blindly to the stereotype of an old-fashioned subservient role in relationship to her husband), the robots are skilled assassins capable of abducting and luring female victims into joining the ranks.

"Now, who will have their heart broken?" Phingphing smirked as she sent Captain Bluebeard to attack Way.

Captain Bluebeard never wanted to obey Phingphing whatsoever, because he believed himself to be a real man with high authority. Because, actually Captain Bluebeard was summoned from the alternate universe where he was a member of the Iscariot Army Corps, the very same organization Elijah Rodgers hailed from. Moreover, Captain Bluebeard thought women were inferior to men and had no right to control them.

July 26th 2020, 15 o'clock, GMT + 7, Southeast Asia time zone.

Now Captain Bluebeard was summoned alongside a bunch of villains in the same organization as him. The first one was Travis Frost, a Canadian ice-skater and skier carrying a hockey stick with the additional functions of a sharpshooter rifle and a bludgeon. The second one was Sweeney Todd, a psychopathic 50-year-old British barber living in 1846 and died in the same year before resurrecting as an undead. The third one was an American postal worker named Mike in 1993 who carried a 60-centimeter long knife and a 9mm Uzi submachine gun as weapons during several mass shootings and murders of the 1990s-era postal phenomenon.

"No escape for you." Captain Bluebeard went to the basketball court of Way's school and encountered Way.

Way was slightly unnerved as the death threat from the stranger.

"Oh ladies of Stepfords!" Captain Bluebeard snapped his finger.

Seven ladies in old-fashioned Western dresses marched towards Way, each of them had an expressionless look in their eyes. They held folding knives inside their palms, each movement of their feet worn in high heels were so systematic that they were dazzling with grace. When Way was distracted, a lady threw her knife at Way's shoulder with deadly accuracy, before her hand turned into a mini rocket launcher and opened fire at Way to knock him down with one blast.

"I really wonder if you're a queer." Captain Bluebeard said to Way.

A young man named Khet rushed to Way's rescue and punched Bluebeard into the face. Then Kim came and punched Bluebeard into the stomach.

"Where are those sick queers? How can they still exist in this world?" Bluebeard shouted.

When Bluebeard was about to leave, he encountered Tine and Sarawat who arrived to the scene.

Tine: "Are you all right, Way?"

Way: "I'm all right."

Kim: "I thought you would perish."

Way: "I'm very alive now."

Bluebeard: "How can these unmanly twats gather here to challenge me? You all need to be reformed into Stepford straight gentlemen."

Bluebeard's blue beard transformed into giant tentacles and wrapped themselves around the necks of Tine, Sarawat, Way, Kim before delivering them an electric shock.

"Ladies, straighten the other queers you meet." Bluebeard commanded his female robot assassins.

A Stepford robot lady in a white dress infiltrated Saifah's house while he was cooking in the kitchen with Zon. As she uttered the words 'queer detected, initiating command for termination', Saifah quickly realized that she wasn't joking. Based on the robotic sounds made by the woman, Saifah deduced that she was a robot herself, completely lacking any organic feature in her body structure.

"Fight the robot lady." Zon said to Saifah.

The robot lady looked at Saifah and extended a sharp spike from her wrist, before she laughed like a demented person and slashed her way towards Zon. With a frying pan, Zon slapped on the head of the robot lady and sent the head flying down to the ground. The robot was no longer threatening. Her code number was SBLR-0001 (Stepford Bluebeard Lady Robot No. 0001).

"Now there are death threats aiming at us from the alternate universe. We need to block the connection between the universes and neutralize the threats." Zon said to Saifah.

At the same time in Way's school, Phingphing herself was betrayed by the very same villains she successfully attempted to summon. Travis Frost hunted her down like an eagle hunting for a hare. Trump was drugged by the Stepford lady robots SBLR-0002 (blue dress, short blonde hair) and SBLR-0003 (green dress, long brown hair) in spite of being a Homewrecker himself, before Ae destroyed the robots. The remaining four Stepford robots stayed alongside Bluebeard and fought for him, before they too were destroyed.

After cornering Phingphing outside Tin's house, Travis Frost froze her legs with his icy breath and attempted to execute her with a rifle shot, before Arthit rushed to rescue her and defeated Travis after a short fight. Travis turned out to be a supernatural snow zombie, as the humid heat of Thailand made him sneeze repeatedly and nearly made him melt. Nevertheless, Arthit banished the undead after defeating him. Tin never noticed the drama outside his home though.

As for the postal worker named Mike and Sweeney Todd the demon barber, they stayed in the basketball court in Way's school and fought Way and Kim. They were all wiped out after Kim, Way, Sarawat, Tine joined forces with Pick, Rome, Kao, Pete Tawan. Only Bluebeard survived, but he soon perished when the eight boys gathered around him and defeated him.

The experience of being betrayed by her fellow Homewreckers davastated Phingphing. She regretted summoning a malicious creature out of curiosity and blind jealousy towards her ex-boyfriend, but she was lucky because at least the creature didn't kill her either by its own hands or by other monsters following it to the real world. Hoisted by her own petard, but she was lucky not to be killed. The friends of her group were lucky to survive, and they all survived.

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