Chapter 4

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June 20th, 2020, 10 o'clock, GMT+7, Southeast Asia time zone.

An upset Lhong decided to co-operate with Trump who was also upset. Both of them failed in their Garden Rushes as Homewreckers.

Trump: "So, what Homewreckers shall we pick for the next Garden Rush?"

Lhong: "Perhaps let's pick Nemesis T-Type from Resident Evil and Marauder from Doom Eternal."

Trump: "All right."

But actually, only the Nemesis T-Type was chosen as a Homewrecker, because not only was he powerful but also intimidating. The Nemesis was like an enhanced Tyrant, at an intimidating height of over 8.7 feet tall. The creature had great-superhuman strength, being able to toss cars and large pieces of debris aside like they were nothing and breaking open the big metal container with its own hands. The Nemesis' body was entirely covered in an unknown  black-colored bulletproof, glossy material which functioned as a restraining gear to stop the monster from mutating. Beyond this restrictive gear, the parasite inside the Nemesis was regulated by a metal chest piece that was fitted on the host, specifically shaped like a heart on the left side of the monster's chest. The Nemesis could sprout tentacles from its body and use them to attack its prey by either whipping, piercing or grabbing them. Worse still, Lhong sent out two Nemesis T-Type creatures instead of one, both were armed with rocket launchers.

Lhong: "Okay, it isn't necessary to summon those things."

Eventually, the creatures were sent back to oblivion.

In the remote lakeside house, the bright sunshine luminated from outside the glass windows. The breezes echoed through the leaves of large trees alongside chirps of birds. Pete and Tutor went out for a walk around the lake. The lake was about three kilometers long or more. Pete and Tutor were so identical that they were mistaken as twins.

Tutor: "When we walk together, people think we are twins."

Pete: "That's so obvious."

Tutor: "We have been so identical to each other even though it is unknown if we come from the same family."

Pete: "It's so mysterious. We are so identical to each other even though we haven't met each other often."

Seeing Pete walking alongside Tutor from the balcony, Tin wiped his eyes without understanding things behind this mystery.

It turned out that the vacation house wasn't as small as it seemed. Aside from the bedrooms, the kitchen, the bathrooms, there was an indoor gym on the second floor.

Now Kao, Pete (not Pete Pichaya), Korn (not Korn Ariyasakul) and Knock were doing physical exercises in the gym. They were lifting weights and doing crunches. The four big hunks were having fun together, sometimes they chatted with each other.

Kao: "Yo, Korn. You're so hot today. I'm rather impressed with your body build."

Korn: "Thanks for your compliment. Yours looks big too."

Kao said with a rather weird expression as he looked at Korn: "We are friends of each other."

Kao was rather cautious as he was afraid that Korn would cheat on Knock to get with him. Korn was also aware that Kao would never get an affair with him because Pete was the boyfriend of Kao and would never allow Kao to date with Korn.

Arthit and Kongpob were also doing workouts at the same gym. They looked at Kao with delight as Kao took off the T-shirt from his upper torso and revealed his robust body. Kao's radiant white skin was so charming that guys would get envious of him.

A pair of hands groped Kao's robust chest and rubbed it gently from behind. It was Pete whose hands were teasing Kao, not Korn or Knock. Eventually, the six men in the gym took off their T-shirts and started kissing each other in pairs.

"Meet my Homewrecker, Nemesis T-Type!" A hulking creature entered the gym in the lakeside house.

As the monster shrieked with a loud voice, Korn, Knock, Arthit, Kongpop, Kao, Pete were dragged into an alternate dimension. But they soon encountered Tutor, Fighter, Zon, Saifah, Tharn, Type in that dimension. The scenery of this place was in an experimental laboratory, except that it looked like the scenery in the video game Resident Evil 3 Remake.

"Why am I dragged inside this place?" Kao asked.

The hulking Nemesis roared as it held its rocket launcher and pointed it at Kao. A rocket was fired at Kao's position as the laser line pointing at him turned red. Kao fled for his life as the monstrosity pursued him. But as Kao was about to reach a metal gate, a hulking monster awaited for him. It was a Tyrant T-103, except that it had an arm mutated into a large claw. The Tyrant was very big and had greyish skin. It was taken from the video game Resident Evil 2 Remake. Another creature appeared in front of Kao's eyes. It had four large arms equipped with sharp claws, a grinning mouth full of sharp teeth and something like a human head on one side of its chest. This monster was called G-Birkin Stage 3, also taken from the video game Resident Evil 2 Remake.

In the alternate dimension, pots of red flowers emerged and were scattered across the scenery. Without ever knowing things happening to them, the twelve panicked young men gathered up and tried their best to survive the attacks from the three nightmarish monsters. Saifah, Zon, Tutor, Fighter were having a tough time with Nemesis. Arthit, Kongpop, Tharn, Type were having a tough time with Tyrant T-103. Korn, Knock, Kao, Pete were having a tough time with G-Birkin Stage 3.

"You really deserve it, Knock." Plernpleng said through the computer screen at her home in the city, smiling with a wicked smile as she knew how to transport her targets into the cyberspace for her Garden Rush game.

Now Plern was not just controlling one monster at a time, but three monsters simultaneously. As Plern commanded her monsters to assault Knock and his group, Knock realized that they were suddenly dragged into the Boys' Love Garden Rush game.

"You guys won't even realize what surprise await for you." Plern laughed like a maniac.

So Knock and his friends found out the way to escape the fight. They would flee away from the three monstrous pursuers and water the flower pots, while opening the exit gates to escape.

In the game, the objectives of the Homewrecker were interrupting the Lovebirds' love scene and attacking them, before capturing them and bringing them to the Homewrecker Booth, where the Homewrecker would personally mate with the captured Lovebird and imprison them until they were rescued or get a Toxic Pleasure. When there were three or all four Lovebirds got Toxic Pleasure, the Homewrecker won the match. When there were two Lovebirds got Toxic Pleasure, the Homewrecker got a draw (tie) in the match. When there was no Lovebird or one Lovebird got Toxic Pleasure, the Homewrecker lost the match. As for the Lovebirds, their game objectives were watering five of seven pots of rose plants (Romance Roses) scattered randomly around the map until they bloom into flowers, while making love with each other to heal each other's injuries inflicted by the Homewrecker and hasten the flowers' blooming process. Healthy Pleasure was obtained when all flower pots were bloomed and/or all Lovebirds reached the climax made by each other or themselves without the Homewrecker's interference. When there were three or all four Lovebirds got Healthy Pleasure, the Homewrecker lost the match. When there were two Lovebirds got Healthy Pleasure, the Homewrecker got a draw (tie) in the match. When there was no Lovebird or one Lovebird got Healthy Pleasure, the Homewrecker won the match. Since Plern's game had three Homewreckers and twelve Lovebirds, the number of flower pots needed to be watered were 9 out of 17 pots. This mode was called Triple Wreckers, a 12-vs-3 multiplayer mode.

After a very tough time, Knock and his friends escaped from the match alive. They were returned to the real world, with no memories of the nightmarish events they experienced. They still believed that they were too exhausted to the point of sleeping in the gym and dreaming a nightmare, and this was really true that they were dreaming.

Kao: "We don't have to care about this stuff."

Knock: "All right. Let's go to the kitchen and cook something to eat. It's 12 o'clock already."

[English fanfic] The Manor of Boys' Love Garden RushTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang