A Church

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3rd POV
Adrik sat in the small home he was given when he and his men entered the village. He had a fat cigar in his mouth as he looked at a magazine of women in bikinis, sports illustrated. He was a tired old man, he didn't have much going for him after he retired so he tried keeping busy as much as he could. The sound of singing was heard outside, making him close his magazine and making him stand up. He took the cigar from his mouth and put it into an ash tray to come back to later, then opening. The door to hear that the service for the cult was in session.
Adrik: you'd expect these cultists not to sing.
He looked at some of his men, they were sitting outside their small huts with cigarettes or cleaning their guns, a few of them doing both at the same time. Adrik walked over to one man who was cleaning his gun and then stopped.
Adrik: may I see your gun boy?
The man did just that, he was beginning to sweat since Adrik is known to be harsh when it comes to clean weapons.
Adrik: tell me boy, did you clean the barrel?
Man: not yet sir....I was cleaning the stock.
Adrik: the stock....is clean. Now work on the barrel. You never know when a clean gun will save your life.
Man: yes sir.
Adrik then walked off to see the others of his men, one talking to a female, no more than eighteen. She was definitely one of the cultists, just different in a way.
Man: so I was thinking that perhaps tonight you and I could....put some good faith to use huh?
The female smiled, she obviously liked the soldier, and he was playing his cards right, all until one person comes to ruin it all.
Adrik: you won't be available tonight.
The man and the female both looked at Adrik who stood with an annoyed look on his face.
Man: s-sir.
Adrik: you want to clear your mind? Go behind a tree with a magazine. But you dare place a seed in one of these women and I will personally curb stomp your boys. We are men! Not some boys who think that life is nothing without bedding a woman. If you bed her, and your seed goes within her and grows, they will know that we did something.
Man: yes sir....
Adrik: now. Go back to your church before your father sees you. Especially talking with an outsider.
She quickly ran off before turning around and looking at all of his men. His hands behind his back as the bones in his hand began to crack as he stretched his fingers.
Adrik: I want everyone here to listen up.
All of the men that Adrik brought gathered around him like kids waiting for a scary story. He looked at them all as they remained silent and respectful of him.
Adrik: we head out at dawn. We will see their defenses and their weaknesses. Then we attack at night. If they spot us you better be prepared for war. Remember, if you see the boy....you bring him back here. His name is Y/N L/N. The boy is dangerous, use live ammo, the blood loss should be able to take him down. I was also told that religious tools would help. Do you have your crosses?
All the men grabbed the crosses around their necks with their right hands and held it up.
Adrik: good....they allowed us to borrow some Holy Water. Take your bullets and dump them in the water and wait five minutes, make sure you dry them vigorously. These are real metal, not the dust that many hunters and huntresses use today. This metal will soak in some of that "religious power" that these cultists always talk about. After you dry them, place them on your tables and load your weapons the moment you wake up. These will save your life....in fact I wouldn't be surprised if only one of these took down Y/N with a headshot, while in his transformed state of course. Though it won't kill him if he is a beast. If he is not transformed then aim for the legs, I'd rather have his shins blown out then his head. Do I make myself clear?
Men: Yes Sir!

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