Pyrrha's Visit

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3rd POV

The creature moved along the streets of Vale as civilians ran from it. The monster let off a massive high pitched roar as it jumped to a building and held onto the side as bricks from it fell to the sidewalk below, cracking some people on the head, killing them. A woman then tripped over one of the fresh corpses, wearing a yellow sweater, shorts and petite white shoes. She then felt something wrap around her leg, noticing the creature.
Woman: No!
The creature began to pull her upwards, letting off a massive roar as it began to drown out her crying and screaming.
Woman: please! No!
As she scream the police trucks were heard, skidding to a stop as a small shower of blood was coming from where the girl would have been. The beast had red stained teeth and blood around its mouth as the yellow sweater hung by one of its teeth before finally a gust of wind came, the sharp teeth of the creature slicing the sweater and setting it free. The sweater then began to flow in the wind as it hit the streets below.
Cop: Jesus Fuck! What is that thing?!
The monster let off another roar as it then jumped to the ground with a growl. Sergeant: Open fire!
All the cops then began firing as blood began to fly from the beast, slight roars of pain were heard. It reached its hand over to a car and lifted it up before quickly bringing it down onto two of the cops and painting a part of the street red. The other officers began backing away as they continued firing. The monster's eyes turned green again as it shot acid once again, engulfing the cops and once again causing them to melt.
Beast: Must find Y/N....for mother!
The creature's voice was gravelly and had some pitch to it as it continued moving through the city, it's direction being towards the police station where Y/N is being held.


The sound of the front door opened as Pyrrha ran in.
Pyrrha: oh my God! What happened to you!?
Y/N: a lot, so what's going on out there?
Pyrrha: that creature is destroying a lot. I saw bodies as the beach, they were melted.
Y/N: damn! I wish I knew I could do that.
Pyrrha: Y/N!
Y/N: sorry.....but what am I supposed to do? Vale and their stupid fucking laws, if I escape and start fighting this thing then I'm in even more trouble.
Pyrrha: maybe I can talk to someone.
Y/N: not Briggs. The guy is an asshole.
Pyrrha: is he the one who did this to you?
Y/N: how'd you guess?
Pyrrha: before I go and find someone, what did you do?
Y/N: damn, you really think I started it?
Pyrrha: Y/N.
Y/N: yeah I was talking mad shit since the very moment I was brought into this department.
Pyrrha: I do have a question. Can't you just break out of the cell?
Y/N: I could, but I feel like being a spiteful little shit so I ain't helping until I have one of these cops on their hands and knees begging.
Pyrrha: Y/N....there's a monster in the city, now I hate saying this kind of stuff but shove the damn pride.
Y/N's eyes widened as he heard Pyrrha said this, but it was quickly followed by a smirk.
Y/N: I'm slightly turned on.
Pyrrha: Y/N!
A female officer walked into the room and looked at Pyrrha.
Woman: can I help you?
Pyrrha: hi, my name is Pyrrha. I'm very close with Y/N and there's a monster in the city.
Woman: I'm aware there's a monster and one moment....Pyrrha Nikos?
Pyrrha: that is me.
Woman: my daughters love you. If I can get a picture with you. I will do whatever you need me to do.
Pyrrha: that sounds fair.
The woman walked towards Pyrrha and pulled out her scroll and took a selfie with Pyrrha, sending the image right away to her kids.
Woman: alright, what do you need?
Pyrrha: Y/N out, even if it's temporary. He is the only one that has a chance against the creature.
Woman: how so?
Y/N: I can transform, care for a demonstration?
Pyrrha: Y/N! Don't you dare!

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