Chapter 29: knew

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You're now reading the second part of this story

Some say that in order to really understand a story

The prologue should be read more often

Let's see if you got the hint

Next chapter on Wednesday

Y/n P.O.V

Just like most nights, it's quiet in my bedroom.


Sometimes I like to keep the curtains open, inviting the moonlight to my room.

Sometimes I rather not.

A sudden hand on my shoulder. Judging by the hand placement, this person is from outside the window.

Like a light switch, my eyes shoot open.

My heart has quickly adjusted to my awakening and starts to beat faster and faster.

And faster.

There are moments in your life that you wish you would never have to relive again. Things that scare you. You get informed. You finally figure out what you would do when your biggest fear approaches you. What does your biggest fear reveal about who you truly are as a person?

I finally pull the strength to close my eyes again.

The hand disappears but only once I hear movements inside my room.

Jungkook must have woken up, scaring the owner of the hand away.

"Jungkook," I whisper.

I wanted to yell out his name, but I didn't have the strength to do so.

"Yes," he responds.

I open my eyes.

"You saw that too, didn't you?" I ask him looking at his face.

It's dark but I can tell it's Jungkook who's in front of me.

"Yes," he responds hesitantly.

I walk up to my door and turn on the light.

"What did you see?" I ask biting my lip.

He looks down at the floor ignoring my question.

"What did you see, Jungkook!" I yell.

"Someone was by the window, putting a hand on your shoulder," he breathes out.

" I don't think I can sleep," I sigh.

"Yes, you can. I will stay up and make sure you're safe," he suggests.

"That's nice of you but you really-" I stop mid-sentence.




My mind runs back to the conversation I had with him earlier.

"Why do you want to stay here anyway?"

"Because I want to keep you safe,"

How did he know he would have to keep me safe?

I close my eyes as I feel tears make their way to my chin.

"I'm scared," I whisper.

"I know," he says sitting down next to me on the bed.

He lifts my arm and licks my sweat away. I close my eyes when I feel him bite my skin.

I should be terrified of Jungkook, especially because of this gesture.

For some reason, I'm not. I'm not scared of him.

I should hate him. He knows that whoever placed their hand on my shoulder has become my biggest fear. I should know better than to let Jungkook take advantage of my situation.

But there is something about this bunny eater that's irresistible.

Why do I feel so safe around him?

Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing to me?

Next Chapter on Wednesday

Jungkook Yandere - My bloody loverWhere stories live. Discover now