Chapter 30: that

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Why am I scared that you'll never be able to love me back?

A/N : short, and maybe badly written chapter because I'm camping :(

Next chapter on Wednesday

Y/n P.O.V

I simply stare at the young teenage boy who sits at the other side of the table.

"You don't eat normal food, do you?" I frown.

"I-" he cuts himself off.
"Not really,"

"So you only eat bunnies?" He looks very tense once I ask him this question.

" I can eat normal food but it only makes me more hungry," he mumbles, not really giving me a direct answer to my question.

"That must not be easy," I say as I look down at my plate.

"It isn't easy," he responds.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"W-what for?" He stutters.

"I thought I saw you eat a bunny before, but just shrugged it off. I just didn't want to believe it-"

"Y-you caught me before?" He cuts me off.

"But when I caught you the second time, I just freaked. I didn't want to have anything to do with you," I continue.

He silently nods.

"I don't know why you eat wild bunnies, but I know it must be hard. I mean you have to chase your food each day," I say.

"The chasing is kind of fun," he chuckles.

I raise my eyebrow, but decide to ignore his comment.

"Thank you for protecting me yesterday night, bunny boy," I smile.

"Bunny boy?" I hear him repeat.

"Yes. You have a bunny smile, you eat bunnies..." I explain.

"So I'm a bunny?" He raises his eyebrow.

"No! That would make you a cannibal," I laugh.

For some reason my sentence must have shocked him.

"Hey, Jungkook. You okay?" I ask, now pretty worried.

"Y-yeah," he mumbles.

"It was a joke, don't worry. I would never want to call you something as scary and disgusting as a cannibal," I smile.


Jungkook P.O.V

I'm scary and disgusting?

I wasn't planning on telling her about how I eat humans.

But now, I feel like I'll never be able to.

She doesn't like me. She likes bunny boy, but not ate his own parents boy.

I just wish that she could love me even though I'm a cannibal.

I wish  I could come over every night  and protect her.

I wish  I could see her smile every morning when I wake up.

But why would she ever fall for a cannibal like me?

Next chapter on Wednesday

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