MR. CEO 26

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The day is not over but she already wanted to go home. It's just an hour ago when the jackass came and he didn't even order a single food. He's just staring and observing her.

She's been trying to calm and ignore his existence but every time she will goddamn pass by to deliver the orders, he will always stand up and offer to help her! It was annoying as fuck! She just wanted to slam the tray on his face just for him to shut the fuck up!

"Jennie, give this to table number seven." Hoseok then suddenly appear beside her and hand the tray, she tiredly accepted it and walked towards the woman but she needs to pass by Jimin's table in the process.

Fuck my life.

"Let me help you-" he stood up and ready to take the tray but she avoided his hold. Passing by him made their shoulders bump, forcefully.

"No need." she walked past him, leaving him standing there. She rolled her eyes once again. She really smiles when she's giving orders but since there's a fucker here, she can't.

"Here's your order, ma'am." she tried to smile genuinely at the woman even tho that deep inside she wanted to frown all day.

"Jimin? My man? Is that really you?" as she head back to the counter she heard Hoseok's loud voice making her turn to him. He's talking with Jimin. Right, they're friends.

Thank god, the dude wouldn't stare at her anymore. Creepy. She then starts wiping the counter and some tools to distract herself. She's just hoping that this is the last time he will visit this café.

Like what the fuck? There are many café around Seoul but why would he choose here? Here where she's working? She still remember that he's the one who told her that she should stay away from him because he doesn't want to see her anymore but now he will appear suddenly Luke a fucking mushroom?

Does he really love ruining and playing with other people? God, I didn't come here to play. I stay away to have a peaceful life but then he will show me his face? This is worst than a nightmare.

Who even told him where she was working? She swears if it's Taehyung, she will beat the shit out of him. She clearly told him not to tell it to anyone-

"Jennie." she flinched when she heard that voice again. She heaves a deep breath before turning to him. She raised her eyebrows.

"What do you need? Will you order now? Make it fast and leave already." she rolled her eyes once again as she pulled out her pen and note. That was harsh.

Jimin looked down. He know it wouldn't be easy to persuade her again. He broke her too much, she was hurt. She might hate him to the core but he wants to apologize to all the thing he said and did. His guilt is eating him up. If only he let her explain...

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled. Jennie let out a bitter chuckle.

"I don't need your sorry, Sir. I need your order." she spat harshly. Hatred and annoyance were visible on her face and voice.

This shit is really testing my patience.

"Just an Americano." He spoke as he stared at her.

"That'll be three dollars." he opened her wallet and handed her a bill, she took it harshly on his grasp as she rolled her eyes once more.

"Sit there for a while waiting, I'm getting disgusted by your face." she spat as she harshly gave him his change.

He smiled. He felt like she was the old Jennie he used to court before. The savage and always irritated woman.

MR. CEO (PJM)                                                COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now