MR. CEO 22

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His glare was petrifying. As if he's killing her inside his head. He's mad and no words can describe how much he wanted to ruin everything around him.

He got fooled. Again.

His father warned him already but he let this woman trick him again. And now, when he thought that he finally trust her again, he will see this?

He wanted to explode. He wanted to throw everything around him. He wanted to punch everything around him but he can't move any single thing on his body.

He's just trembling. Trembling from too much madness. His breathing got heavier while glaring at her. She's crying.

"J-Jimin... P-please listen t-to me." she tried to scoot closer but he quickly back away.

"Don't you dare come any closer. I'm telling you, you wouldn't like to come any closer." he threatened as he slowly grips on the table.

She cried harder.

"Pl-please l-let me explain-" she was cut off when he grabbed the vase that was placed on his table and throw it harshly on the wall behind her. She yelp and covered her ears while closing her eyes tightly. He let out a dark chuckle before throwing another glare.

"I knew it. I knew you would do this." his voice cracked at the end of the sentence but he quickly hide it with his glare. He was gripping tightly on the table.

She kept crying while looking at him. She wanted to explain but she's too scared to even move. Her voice was stuck.

"My suspicion is right, you're only after my money." he slowly walked towards her making her scared that he might hurt her. She can't explain how much hatred she can see in his eyes.

Those eyes.

Those eyes that screamed love have nothing but hatred now. He's looking at her disgustingly.

No... Don't look at me like that.

"You're a gold digger! Where did you get the courage to get inside my company and face me?! Huh?!" he yelled at her. He can't feel anything. He just wants to let it all out. He wants to outburst.

"You're so shameless! What kind of woman are you?! You fucking dare to take this away from me?!"

His voice keeps echoing in her ears. She wanted to cover her ears because what he's saying is piercing deeply on her heart. She won't know if she can still manage all the hurtful words that came from his mouth. It's too much.

"I never thought that you can be like this. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You liar!" his deep voice echoed making her shiver in both pain and fear.

"I thought I already have feelings for you but guess what... I'm wrong. I will never fall in love with a woman like you! You're plain disgusting!"

"What else do you need? Money?" he opened his wallet and took out one thousand each and throw it in front of her face.

She was shocked and speechless at what he did. She never thought he can do this. She felt like dying, she can't breathe properly.

She stared down at the money that fell on the floor before averting her gaze back to him. Does he really see her as a gold digger?

"There! You have money now! Go back from where you came and never come back!"

That time, she fell on her knees. He has the right to be mad but is it getting too much?

He's killing her. He doesn't need to do anything, his words and actions are enough to kill her.

MR. CEO (PJM)                                                COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now