Chapter 7: A normal day in Judgment

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-This story is written on this time line: after the Railgun Daihasei festival (with everything canon happened before).

-Everything that happens in this story disregards what happens after the festival in the canon novel and is written without knowing it.

-I will post a chapter weekly (friday) so stay tuned :D

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Kuroko had just finished her school lessons and she finally arrived to the Judgment office, ready to deal with the usual boring paper works; first thing she did, after saying hello to Uiharu, was rushing to the fridge to satisfy the annoying thirst that was bothering her since she left classes. She had a wide choice of drinks, but she went for a simple fresh bottle of water; she would probably have enjoyed some milk more, but she knew she couldn't touch the Musashino bottles without permission if she wanted to avoid her Senpai's deadly rage. So, Kuroko approached her Judgment senior to ask her if she could get some milk, but the girl seemed to be really busy taking off heavy boxes and cleaning an old tiny desk that was originally used just to collect documents on it.

«Konori-senpai... may I ask you why are you working so hard to clean up this little corner?» Kuroko asked curios, but also taking her time to introduce the milk stuff as the next subject.

«Oh, Shirai-san! Uiharu should have not told you, she was really busy too! Today we are hosting a new colleague, he's willing to learn Judgment's job! Damn, I'm done finally!» Mii answered, after putting the last box in a locker.

«He? A male? Don't you think he'll feel uncomfortable staying in a full girls group?» Kuroko asked shrugging.

«I think that's just a minor issue. It seems he never worked in a group in general, so he needs to start from basics. Also, I think it's a good thing for us! Some fresh air with some manly presence in this office finally! They said me nice things about him, you should not worry! They told me he's really reliable and observant of rules, so he'll be here soon!» Mii's answer made Kuroko shiver, starting to shake and cold sweating.

«A man...? Never worked in group...? O-o-observant of rules?! Konori-senpai... may I ask you who talked you about this boy?» Kuroko asked babbling, as she was building in her mind the shape of a well-known character of this story.

«Yeah, sure. It was Yomikawa from Anti-skill.» Mii answered chilling.

«Oh.... No... it can't be happening for real. He's the pr-» the doorbell sound scared off Kuroko, who was now on guard in front of the entrance; Mii-Senpai went to the door without hesitation and grabbed the knob while asking herself why Kuroko was looking so worried and disappointed. Uhiaru joined the welcome group too and witnessed the moment Mii opened the door.

«Here he is. Girls, this is the student Yomikawa-san spoke very highly. You can call him Fran-san, he comes from a very far land!» Mii said proudly.

«Yo.» Fran exclaimed smiling and waving with his healthy arm; he was now wearing his usual grey coat again and he got rid of most of the patches and bandages but his arm was still in a cast, so it was covered under his dress.

«"Yo" what?! I'm gonna kill you!» Kuroko yelled angry while waving threateningly her index finger toward the enemy.

«Oooh! Fran-san! I would never expect it was actually you visiting us! How are you doing?» Uhiaru asked, returning the smile.

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