Everyone pretty much agreed and we all hopped into either Jerome's or Mitch's car. Mitch drove Rob and Preston while Jerome drove the other car with Lachlan, myself, and Vikk. Usually it would've been awkward with my current boyfriend and exboyfriend sitting next to each other in the car. (Lachlan got shotgun because Vikk is short lol) But thank God neither of them were that type of person. Plus our situation wasn't exactly like other peoples'.

"How much loooongerrr?" I moaned, scooting closer to the center seat so tat I could see ahead of us. "I have no idea where we're going" Jerome told me. "You're driving!" I answered back, exasperated. "All I know is follow Mitch" he said and smiled cheekily at me in the mirror.

Jerome, Lachlan, and Vikk began talking about recording later and I listened in, not saying anything though. "So I heard rumors about you starting a channel, hmmm?" Vikk said, nudging me in the side. "I don't know it's a lot of stress" I told him then corrected myself. "I mean.. It uhm seems like a lot of stress... You know, watching all of you guys record and stuff..." That sounded strange. Oh God.

Jerome snickered in the front seat, knowing exactly what I was stumbling about. "I think you should do it. I mean, my God, if Mitch made it you should definitely be able to make it" He told me, making it sound like a joke to Vikk and Lachlan but I knew his real intentions. "You know what? I'm gonna do it. Tonight I'll start up everything" I told them an they all congratulated me.

"Guys I think we're hear" Jerome said as he turned the car in after Mitch's. "That looks more like a bar then a pizza place" Lachlan laughed as we all stared at it through the window. "Yeahhh buddy" Jerome smirked as we pulled in. "Oi Jenna it looks like you may have lost the bet after all" Lachlan joked. "Shit. Glad we didn't bet money" I smiled as Jerome pulled the car into a parking spot that was a couple spots over from where Mitch was getting out of his car. This place was packed.

"I thought we said pizza!" Vikk yelled as he walked over to Mitch, Rob, and Preston while Lachlan and I followed him (holding hands) and Jerome followed us. "They probably serve pizza" Mitch shrugged. Cheeky Mitch.

"Well let's go boys" Rob yelled and ran across the street towards the door, almost getting hit by a couple cars. "Good Lord Rob! Are you insane!?" Preston yelled as we walked after him. "Insane in the membrane" Rob joked, referencing the song. "Be careful next time... I don't want to sink #Poofless" Preston joked, wiping away an imaginary tear. "I would never sink #Poofless" Rob assured him and they hugged as we all laughed.

We walked into the pizza/bar/thingy and found seats at a table. I'm not exactly sure what this place is. They have a bar and a dancefloor but there are tables and an arcade? It looks like someone mashed a club and pizzeria together in one, awesome, combo.

"What are you gonna get?" Lachlan asked as I looked over the greasy menu. "I don't know... Mitch do you want to split a pizza?" I asked and he nodded. One good thing about Mitch and I being kind of the same person but mot the same person- we have the same taste. So we can polish off an entire pizza with just our favorite toppings on it without it being a big deal like it was before.

"Aren't you guys gonna discuss what will be on the pizza?" Preston asked a moment later as Mitch and I put our menus down. "Eh whatever he wants is fine. We have pretty much the same taste" I told Preston and Mitch nodded. "So anyways what's everyone's opinion on Jenna starting a channel?" Jerome spoke and everyone looked at me. I looked at Mitch, valuing his opinion the most.

"It's a lot of work but it'll probably be the most fun you've ever had" Rob told me and everyone agreed. I smiled at him then turned back to Mitch. He was silent for a moment, going over the ups and downs in his head. "I think you should do it" he told me as the waitress returned.

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