Chapter 7

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*Jerome's POV* (hehehe)

I laughed along with everyone else as we recorded a Minecraft Party video. I wasn't really paying attention, I was just lost in my thoughts. I wonder why Jenna freaked out so much when she accidentally said she wanted to record. Maybe she has a YouTube account and doesn't want me to know? I'll have to research that later...

"Jerome?" Vikk asked and I snapped back out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I asked and they all laughed. "Thinking about your new girlfriend mate?" Lachlan said, snickering. "Haha very funny" I said, even though I had been thinking about her. "When are you gonna tell the viewers who she is, Jerome?" Preston asked and I thought for a minute. "Whenever she wants everyone to know" I answered, choosing my words carefully.

I watched as my horse ran across the rainbow road finish line, making me win the race. "WHOOOOOOP I WIN GG!" I yelled and everyone resumed talking about normal things rather then Jenna.

Maybe we should tell the viewers. Well as soon as they see this video they're all going to want to know. I'm just scared for Jenna, there is a lot of hate for anyone any of the guys date. Like honestly, just because I'm dating somebody else doesn't mean I love my viewers any less. I'll talk to Jenna about recording with us later.

We went through the rest of the game and I managed to come out in second, which is pretty good. Especially because I was still distracted with working through how I was going to bring up this subject with Jenna. "Hey! Do you wanna tell my 4,000,000 subscribers that we're dating and be bombarded with hate?!?" Doesn't seem like the best way to ask her the question. Plus I haven't officially asked Jenna to be my girlfriend. Maybe I should do that soon. But I want to make it special. I feel a real connection with Jenna and I think she might be the one...

Everyone ended their recordings and I logged off soon after. I'm going to go ask Jenna if she wants the viewers to know who she is. I'll just wing it. That seems like a terrible idea, oh well. Too bad I don't have a better idea. I walked into my room and saw Jenna sitting on the bed.

"Hey babe do you want to introduce yourself to the viewers or is it too soon?" I asked, trying to subtly hint that they would probably want to know who she is. "Uhh.. Well it has to happen eventually, right?" She asked and I shrugged. "Ya sure, lets do it. Wanna do a Twitter post?" She asked and I nodded. At least she was on board with it. Hopefully she didn't take the hate personally and become upset. Oh god it pained me when she was upset. Especially when it was because of Ryan, that whole ordeal pissed me off to no end.

I walked over to Jenna and sat next to her on the bed, taking out my phone. I wrapped my arm around Jenna and smiled for the picture. We snapped one and just as I was about to take another, she kissed my cheek, making me really smile.

I looked at her, raising one eyebrow and she grinned cheekily at me. I secretly snapped another picture and turned around my phone to examine them. The first one was okay, my giant ass nose was very apparent though. The second was adorable, I was looking slightly up and smiling a real smile, not just that fake picture smile. The third one was also adorable, me being me and Jenna being Jenna. It reflected our personalities and I loved it.

"I like the second and third ones" Jenna said and I agreed with her, uploading them both to Twitter.

JeromeASF: Like my new girlfriend? She's Mitch's sister... Her name is Jenna. Hahaha @Bajan_Canadian

Jenna approved of my comment and I posted it. Almost immediately there were comments. A couple were hate but the majority were "aww"s or "MITCH'S SISTER?!?!?" I laughed. "So new girlfriend, eh?" Jenna asked and I smirked at her. "Jenna, will you be my lil bacca?" I asked and she sighed. "Maybe next year" She said and kissed my nose. I then nuzzled her nose and she laughed, "Yes, of course I'll be your baby bacc" Jenna said and I kissed her forehead.

"I should make a Twitter" Jenna said and I stared at her. "You don't have a Twitter?!? How do you live?!?" I asked and she laughed. "Jerome help meh, I'm dying dood" She said and fake died on the bed as I reached for her phone. "What's your password?" I asked in a weird voice and she took her phone from me. "No dood, personal privacy" Jenna said and I defended myself. "Hey! I thought you were dead!" I said. "I came back from the grave to defend my phone from a filthy stinking bacca!" Jenna said right back and I laughed.

She unlocked her phone and downloaded Twitter while I brainstormed cool names for her. JennaHughes seemed too dull. Maybe LilBacc? No that's probably taken. AsfJenna? That might be taken, I don't know. We can try it. I think it's a cool name, hopefully she feels the same.

"So what were you thinking for a name?" Jenna asked and right away I offered, "AsfJenna? I don't know..." Jenna smiled as she entered something in on her phone. I looked down at my phone.

AsfJenna: @JeromeASF
Hey dood ;)

I chuckled and looked up at Jenna. "I love it" she said and kissed my nose again. "What is with you and kissing my nose?" I asked and she laughed. "It's just so big and kissable!" She said and laughed. I laughed along and tried to suppress my dirty thoughts.

Jenna looked down at her phone. "Holy shrimp! I already have almost 300 followers!" She said and I looked back at my Tweet. 400 likes. So 3/4 of the people followed her right away. Good, they seemed to like her. Well I figured they would like her more then most other people because she is Mitch's sister.

I decided I would take a nap and Jenna agreed to join me. We were both pretty tired as it turns out and I fell asleep soon after we settled in, this time Jenna faced away from me and cuddled her back into my chest. My arm wrapped around her an I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now. I love Jenna. I think she's the one...

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