Chapter 3

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*Jenna's POV*

We ended up eating a giant pot of spaghetti that Jerome made. It was really good, the red sauce had sautéed onions and meatballs in it- sooo good.

Lachlan and Ryan were acting different then they usually do and I was noticing, of course I couldn't say anything but I was hoping someone else would act because I was genuinely curious. "Uh Jerome, can I talk to you?" Ryan asked and Jerome stood up, following him. I needed to pee. Oh god this would be an adventure. "Imma go use the bathroom" I said and followed Ryan and Jerome up the stairs, far enough behind so that they didn't know I was there.

I walked into the bathroom and lifted up my dress. Uh. I pulled down my panties and peed sat down on the toilet, beginning to pee. I could hear Jerome and Ryan talking outside the door and I listened in, not because I was snooping but I mean come on! My crush is talking to someone in private and I just so happen to be within ear shot! I stood up after I finished and pressed my ear to the door.

R: Hey Jerome, do you know anything about Jenna?
J: Not really, why?
R: She's hot

I had to stop myself from laughing. Yes, I was hot as a girl. But still, Ryan was one of my best friends! If this situation ever gets sorted out I will never stop making fun of him for this.

J: Oh...
R: I was just hoping you would know how I could get her to be mine?
J: Mine? As in a property? Women aren't property, Ryan. Have a little respect...
R: What?! Do you like her too?

Jerome didn't answer and my heart fluttered. Even though I was pretty pissed off about Ryan calling me property. Or wanting to hit on me at all for that matter.

J: I don't have any pointers for you...
R: Oh my god you like her too!
J: I never said that. Don't treat women like property, they don't enjoy that in the least.
R: Oh please, like you would know. Maybe she likes a firm hand on the wheel if ya know what I'm saying...
J: You're disgusting.
R: Whatever man, just don't tell her, okay?
J: Ya, whatever.

'Ryan is disgusting' is what I gathered from that conversation. That and the fact that Jerome is a great guy. But I already knew that. I flushed the toilet and quickly washed my hands, stepping out into the hall. Ryan stared at me, probably afraid that I'd heard the conversation. Which he should be afraid about, very, very afraid.

I smiled at Jerome and strutted past Ryan without a word, giving my ass a little more shake then usual. I laughed mentally and returned to where everyone else was playing a drinking game- go figure. I joined in and Jerome sat in the seat next to me, presumably to not let Ryan sit there.


"Heeyyyyy biggums" I said as I leaned over onto Jerome. Everyone here was pretty drunk if not completely wasted. Mitch would have been able to handle all the alcohol but Jenna? Nope. She's a light weight, just great. "Jennnnaaaa" He said back and we both laughed.

"Hey-hey Roob! Come give me some sugar" Preston said and kissed Rob who was certainly surprised. He didn't kiss back, but he didn't pull away either. "POOFLESS" Multiple people shouted, including myself. "We-we should all kiss someone! And everyone else has to choooooose!" Lachlan suggested and everyone else agreed. I didn't say anything though.

"Vik kisses Lachlan!" I shouted and almost everyone laughed and agreed so Vik reached behind Lachlan's head and pulled their mouths together for a split second. Everyone hollered and whooped after they broke apart causing Lachlan to laugh. "Who should I kisssss besides Vik?"Lachlan asked and glanced at me. I laughed along with Adam and everyone stared at us.

Eventually everyone except me, even Adam agreed, that Lachlan had to kiss me. Lachlan stood up, stumbling over to me and grabbing my hand, lifting me up. He held his arms around my waste and my arms went to his neck. He leaned in for a kiss and I let him. About three seconds into the kiss I had a realization- what am I doing?!? Jerome might like me! Well not anymore! Fuck! I pulled back from Lachlan who was smiling like an idiot.

I sat down next to Jerome again and everyone looked at me, probably gaging my reaction. I made me face look slightly shameful and they all got the picture. An idea forming in my head, I pointed to Adam. "You should kiss Ti" I said and smirked at them both, wiggling my eyebrows. Adam looked over at Ti, who shrugged, beginning to lean in towards Adam. But Adam grabbed the back of Ti's head and gently closed the gap between them.

Everybody hooted and whooped as they began to make out. I was smiling brightly for Adam, I knew Ti liked him- loved him even. They eventually pulled apart as everyone continued to hoot and Adam smirked at Ti. I let out my own little whoop. Soon everyone calmed down as much as a handful of drunks could and I volunteered.

I was nervous. Of course I was, me being the only girl there was definitely nerve-wracking. Who wouldn't feel like that? "Hmmm. Jerome!" Preston said and I blushed slightly. Everyone agreed and I turned to look at Jerome who was also blushing. "Uh" I said and laughed nervously. Jerome smirked down at me and grabbed my chin, aiming my face up at him.

I raised one eyebrow as I looked up at him and he wiggled his. I laughed as did he and then he pressed our lips together in a sweet kiss. It lasted for longer then the kiss I had with Lachlan, probably a good 5 to 10 seconds and I enjoyed all of the time I would have, finally kissing the boy I have loved for so long.

I pulled back and Jerome looked slightly disappointed that I had ended our kiss but I smiled at him warmly, which seemed to make him feel better. I had butterflies in my stomach for the rest of the game and barely noticed anything anyone else said or did.

Eventually everyone was tired out and started to head off to bed. It was just me, Ryan, and Adam left because everyone else had either left for bed or just passed out where they were. Ti had fallen asleep with his head on Adam's lap and it was adorable.

"So are you and Adam together?" Ryan asked and I actually laughed along with Adam. "Haha no why would you think that?!?" I said back and Ryan smiled. "You guys got here together, at the same time, plus you keep glancing at each other..." Ryan said back and I laughed again, shaking my head. "Okay well I'm gonna go to bed... You guys have some fun" Adam said and lifted Ti off of his lap, carrying him up the stairs. I heard the door close, signalizing Adam and Ti had entered their room.

"Maybe we should all go to bed too" I offered and yawned. "I'm gonna sleep out on the uhm couch if either of you want to join me" Ryan said, looking at me. "Maybe in a minute" I lied and went up to the room, Jerome following me close behind.

"Uh Jenna... I need to tell you something" Jerome said and grabbed my hand, turning me to face him. "I was talking to Ryan earlier today and-" He started but I cut him off. "I know. I heard you guys while I was in the bathroom. He's an asshole and I lied when I said I would be right there. There is no way I'm going down there with him alone" I said and Jerome let out a breathe of relief.

"So uh how you wanna do this?" He asked, looking around the room then jokingly winking at me. I think it was a joke? I don't know, but either way I know exactly where I'm sleeping... "Can I sleep in the bed with you? If that's okay?" I asked shyly and he nodded, "of course, ya" Jerome said and I walked over to my suitcase, making sure to stick my ass out as I bent down to pick it up. I picked out a pair of very short pajama bottoms with a crop top that had a sleeping cartoon puppy on it. I also secretly snuck some lingerie with me as I walked towards the bathroom to change, just incase we did anything...

I changed and headed back to Jerome who was sitting on the bed, playing with his phone. He was shirtless and had on pajama bottoms. I stared at his toned abs as he chuckled, "like what you see?" He asked as he set his phone on the night stand. "Maybe" I answered back with a wink, and climbed into bed with him.

I faced towards him while Jerome laid on his back. Eventually I shifted over so that my head was on his chest and his arm wrapped around under my neck and down my back. I was cuddling with Jerome. Real cuddling, not just the joking cuddling. This was very real. I thought of all the times I had dreamt of this moment, and now it was finally here... "You know... I feel like I've known you for years but I just met you today" Jerome whispered and I pretended to he asleep.

Jerome kissed the top of my head and I couldn't help but smile as he fell asleep under me. It actually happened. Biggums, we made it.

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