The boyfriend

69 19 14

Lisa POV

It was another boring day at work until I received a text.

It was another boring day at work until I received a text

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"Hey!", Alex's voice startled me.

"Hi Alex."

"Wanna grab lunch?"

"yeah sure, come lets go."

We came out of our office when I spotted a familiar face.

I cannot believe my eyes. Is this real, but how is this possible?

"Hey baby, miss me?", He stood there smiling.

"In your dreams idiot."

"Oh come on, we both know you missed me."

"Fine. but you said you won't be back till next week"

"It's called surprise duh.."

It was then I realized Alex was there too. He was puzzled.

"Alex, meet Mark , my boyfriend"

"Nice to meet you Mark"

"likewise Alex", "baby you wanna grab lunch, I'm famished", Mark said.

I saw Alex. "It's ok. you deserve some time with your boyfriend", eventhough he smiled, I saw pain in his eyes.

"are you sure", I asked him.


"ok. see ya later", I waved. I have to talk to him later. What happened? Why did he look so devastated?

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