It's war time

19 3 7

Lisa POV

"people gather around", I ordered as I caught the attention of my pack members. 

"so I've been going through something and I found a few strategies", I said.

"Why should we need strategies?", someone asked "can't we just go together, pounce on them and rip them into half?"

"Nope... This is the strongest vampire clan... everyone there is over a 100 years old... So we have to do something different and unexpected"

"So what are we gonna do?"

"Divide and attack", I said.

"Lisa, it is not the time to experiment", Alex said

"too bad... I'm the alpha and I made up my mind", I said.

He scoffed. Iris looked at me carefully and asked," so what's the plan?"

"I'm dividing our entire pack into 4 sub packs. Alex, you will lead one, I will lead one, Iris will lead one"

"What happens to the fourth sub pack?", Iris asked

"It's the medical wing lead by Mark"

"the four sub packs will not be in equal number... The pack led by me Alex will have less but more strong wolves... three fourth of the wolves in our pack will be in Iris's subpack and most of the old wolves and nurses will be in Mark's subpack", I said

"ok... But how is this effective?", Iris asked.

"Well me and Alex we'll face the vamps first. If we can't control, The pack led by Iris will come in from the backside as a surprise attack"

"But Lisa... That would injure the members in our subpack", Alex said

"no Alex... if we can fend off the vamps, most of the wolves doesn't even need to fight... And our pack members will be saved by medical wing"

 "but still", Alex sounded unconvinced.

"Trust me Alex", I said softly and looked into his eyes.

He took a deep breath and said "ok"

"so that's all wolves...You can go now", I said. "Iris, please stay"

After everyone left, I asked her, "is it true that you went to meet a vamp yesterday?"

"his name is zayn and it's none of your concern whom I meet", she said coldly.

"geez.. I was just worried... What's with the bad mood?"

"ooh... Nothing"

"So you are not mad at me for talking to your brother like that", I asked.

"Nope... If I ask, you both will say some stupid weird mate stuff... so it's better for me to shut the fuck up"

I stared at her.

"Why are you staring... If you have nothing to say, I'm leaving", She said and left.

What happened to her? Why is she behaving differently?  Did I do something wrong? A million thoughts echoed my head... but I can't find answers to any of them. I decided to leave everything as it is until the war ends.

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