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On instinct and what remained of his common sense, he put both his hands beneath himself, cupping them. He didn't care about the dripping amniotic fluid getting all over his claws as he did so, or the painful stretch the position caused, he just knew it would make everything go faster. Something solid and round between his legs caught his attention. Not thinking about the implications of that, he encircled it, guiding it out with shaking hands.

Get out... He pleaded, the words in his mind rapidly becoming a chant on his lips. "Get out, get out get out..."

Inch by agonizing inch, he was able to guide the offending sparkling free. Snarling and cursing every movement, he huffed out of his muzzle and bared his teeth as the widest part of the shoulders started to crown. Stars started spotting his vision as he stretched beyond what he thought was his limits, but he still kept pushing, desperate to just end it all. There was a horrible lurch inside of him as the sparkling slipped halfway out of him, hanging for a moment before he gave the final heave.

A solid weight settled in his cupped hands along with an audible splash, a guttural roar escaping him as the agony nearly bowled him over. Hanging on the verge of passing out, he pulled himself back from the blackness with a few shaking gasps, his whole body quaking in weakness.

It wasn't until a soft sound in his hands caught his attention that he came back to full awareness. Terrified and unprepared, he lifted the bundle up to see it, arms trembling the whole while. Another tiny noise, a whimper this time, came from the little thing as he finally saw it. Though it was wet and dirty, he immediately recognized his offspring. The tiny Wolficon let out a small cry from his impossibly miniature muzzle. Steeljaw adjusted him as if he would break, holding him to his chest and trying to process. Whimpering now in earnest, the newborn let out a few coughs, sliding its tiny, nubbed paws over his armor.

"Hello there..." Steeljaw whispered, giving a tender lick across a chubby cheek. Snuffling, the bitlet pushed him away, beginning to fuss as it came to. Chuckling, he let his instincts guide him to gentle grooming. Soft greens, blues, and greys became visible beneath the mess. He recognized the variant of his own colors and nuzzled the silky smooth armor, breathing in the sweet scent of his pup with a sigh. "My little one..."

The sparkling gave a wiggle against the attention, not too happy to be out in the cold. He laughed, never having felt happier. Pulling back, he watched as two optics cracked open for the first time, revealing a bright red glow. A bit of Thunderhoof. He settled another kiss on the sparklings cheeks, which smushed up considerably due to its ample chub. The attention made the bitlet sneeze, it's disproportionate ears flopping at the movement as it pushed at him with nubby claws. Were it up to him, he'd have stayed in that moment forever, holding his newborn and basking in his perfect little being.

A sharp pain in his midsection made him gasp. The beauty of the moment disappeared and forced him to remember; he had four more to birth. Groaning, he transferred the pup to a single hand, grabbing hold of the aches epicenter with the other. There was a moment of panic as he juggled the task before him. First, he'd have to tend to his sparkling, making sure he was warm and safe... Then he could work on getting the rest out.

Grabbing a towel, he used it to aid his tongue in cleaning, smiling despite everything as his bitlet squirmed fearlessly under the touch. He'd never been more proud of anything in his life. So little and already so small, this one would be a fighter some day. Still smiling through his winces, he laid his newborn down beside the heater, swaddle him to prevent escape. Snuffling at the new arrangement, the bitlet settled at last into the warmth. He'd hopefully be content until all of his siblings were out and ready. However long that would be.

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