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Steeljaw didn't care how pitiful he looked as he crawled onto his berth in the middle of the day and sprawled himself out in a heap. He was exhausted and felt as if he would be sick at any moment, and all he wanted was sleep. The touch of the cool berth helped quite quickly, as did just letting himself go limp and relax. A quick power down would likely be all he needed to recover. So long as he was given this time to rest without interruption, he knew he'd be fine.

Knock knock

...But of course, he'd have to be crazy to think he'd be allowed such a reprieve. Pinning his ears back, the wolf wondered if they'd just leave him alone if he didn't respond. It probably wasn't something he wanted to deal with anyway. The sound of metal digits pulling at the door told him otherwise, and he had to hold down a snarl as he prepared to tell off whoever was intruding. Being careful to shift into a more dignified position of rest, he turned his helm just in time to see Thunderhoof ducking his antlers through the doorway. A touch of awkwardness tainted his anger. This was hardly a mech he wanted to be around; neither one had quite gotten over their encounter, necessary as it had been for him.

"Underbite says you got sick on the mission." Thunderhoof said, quick to get to business. Steeljaw let out a small sigh, feeling both embarrassed and relieved. Was that all this was about? Awkward, but easy to clear up, at least.

"Just a minor illness. I'll recover soon, if I'm allowed to rest." he replied pointedly, giving the other a bit of a glare. Thunderhoof either didn't get the message or didn't care, as all he did was cross his arms and continue speaking.

"And what if yous don't?"

Steeljaw could only blink in surprise. "Come again?"

"What if it's something a bit more long term than that?" Thunderhoof continued, shifting to a far more serious tone. Steeljaw turned completely on the berth, now in the defensive. Pinning back his ears, he kept his voice low.

"Are you trying to suggest something, Thunderhoof?"

Thunderhoof didn't immediately reply. Suddenly looking almost nonchalant, he pulled forth a data pad and clicked it on, optics skimming it over for a moment before he spoke.

 "Has yous checked your spark recently?"


"Have yous checked your spark recently?" Thunderhoof repeated with more emphasis, still looking exceedingly calm.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Steeljaw spat. He wanted to sound exasperated, but now he was really on the defensive. He had no idea where Thunderhoof was going with this, and that was more than enough to put him on edge. There was no way to prepare or strategize, no doubt just as Thunderhoof wanted, so he could only wait and listen.

The Cervicon looked at him with an expression he couldn't decipher, letting the moment drag on before he dropped his bombshell. "I'm thinking there's a good chance our little meeting had a few consequences."

"You're joking...I ca-" Steeljaw atrempted to snarl, barely managing a rasp in his shock. 

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